Discussione:Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli
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Article says: The act of marriage can know the names of his parents who were Onofrio and Semarqua Sunday. Is this "Semarqua Sunday" as her name only and "Onofrio" without a last name? Article says:The act of marriage can know the names of his parents who were Onofrio and Semarqua Sunday.Is this "Semarqua Sunday" as her name only and "Onofrio" without a last name? Did "Francesco Procopio" have other names? Did "Francesco Procopio" have other names? Where did he get has name "Francesco" and "Procopio", since apparently his parents names are not either of these? Where did he get has name "Francis" and "Procopius", since apparently his parents names are not either of these? Is this reference online: Source: Marcello Messina, "The café Le Procope" in Scirocco, Year 3, Nov. / Dec. 2003, pp. 2003, pp. 19-21 19-21 -- (msg) 17:43, 30 mag 2009 (CEST) - ( msg) 17:43, 30 May 2009 (EDT)
- Google translate. I would like to know also.
I'm not sure to understand: it is said in the page that his name was "Cutò" (same pronounce as the french "cuteaux", that means "coltelli", or "knives", as in the name with wich he was known in Paris, "dei Coltelli"). In the documents usually the name of the father is not repeated, since it is the same as the name of the son: his parents should thus have been Onofrio (Cutò) and Domenica Semarqua. There is anything strange in this. Regarding the other question I suppose you think Francesco as a prename ("nome" in italian) and Procopio as a name ("cognome" in italian): it is not like that and "Francesco Procopio" is just a double prename as they are prenames "Onofrio" and "Domenica" for his father and mother. His full name should have been Francesco Procopio Cutò and the full name of his father Onofrio Cutò. Again, there is anything strange in this. MM (msg) 18:51, 31 mag 2009 (CEST)
– Il cambusiere Gce ★★★+4 12:46, 23 mag 2020 (CEST)
C'è modo di chiarire se il cognome del biografato sia "dei Coltelli" o "Cutò"? Un utente vorrebbe suggerire il secondo, ma le fonti che trovo in giro sono discordanti e la spiegazione data dalla voce non è molto chiara in proposito. --goth nespresso 22:26, 1 mag 2019 (CEST)