Discussione:Pleistocene inferiore
--Carlog3 (msg) 12:52, 24 giu 2009 (CEST)
Excuse me for writing in English, I don't speak Italian. The recently ratified modification of both the Quaternary and the Pleistocene (and consequently also the Neogene and the Pliocene) by IUGS implies that these units now officially start at 2.588 Ma, that is the lower boundary of the Gelasian. This latter stage is now part of the Quaternary and the Lower/Early Pleistocene (and consequently removed from the Pliocene). The Quaternary has never been a part of the Neogene. This mistake was deduced from the proposal for a new geological timescale. This timescale was indeed only a proposal, it did NOT contain the official timescale because the proposal was not ratified by IUGS. IUGS has decided to retain the System/Period status of the Quaternary which implies that the Neogene ends before the Quaternary (as was as a matter of fact already the official situation!). I have tried to modify the relevant schemes but I am unable to do the same with the texts that are involved. A native speaker should do this. Best wishes, --PalaeoMal (msg) 21:57, 7 ago 2009 (CEST)
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