Discussione:Spina elettrica

Ultimo commento: 1 mese fa, lasciato da Mauro Tozzi in merito all'argomento Prese comandate
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Monitoraggio effettuato nel febbraio 2008

Per quello che riguarda la sezione Spina_elettrica#Prese_BTicino_.22Magic.22. Un po' ho tradotto letteralmente, un po' ho riscritto. --Yoggysot (msg) 06:37, 14 dic 2009 (CET)Rispondi

EN: must read and translate this warning


go, see and translate this (please). Needed. (I can not do it myself, do not speak the langage). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Domestic_AC_power_plugs_and_sockets#Warn_for_readers.2C_and_take_care_when_translating

Already in the article: Alcune spine sono di tipo polarizzato, ossia hanno una distinzione tra fase e neutro. --M/ 19:20, Lug 27, 2005 (CEST)
thank you for the check. My point of view is that a lot of people think P and N are a kind of + and - . So I was wondering if this word "polarizzato" may not make people keep this bad idea. (don't know the exact meaning in IT, let you decide about that, I was just giving the advice to others). Thant you.

it seems a bit silly to have a copy of what plug types are used where (clearly copied from en) without details of what the plug types are

i don't have an account here so if you want me to see your replys to this you will have to notify me on en:user talk:plugwash also i don't speak italian im merely here as a result of checking out interwiki links.

yeah, it may be silly, but it can be a starting point... the interwikis are meant also for finding out where more complete info can be. This article needs further translation from en:Domestic AC power plugs & sockets. Still, apart from the two charts, it offers an overview of the compatibility and security problems arising from a lack of standard. Ciao, --M/ 20:32, Nov 16, 2004 (UTC)

E la irreversibile Magic?


Possibile che nessuno abbia ancora inserito almeno un riferimento alla spina Magic? Io a casa ho ancora una prolunga col la spina nera irreversibile 2 poli + terra... --Matiz 22:17, 10 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi


Italian Bticino brand Magic security connector (preso dalla pagina, in inglese, en:AC_power_plugs_and_sockets)

Left: Bticino Magic Security receptacle, detail.
Centre: assortment of Magic Security receptacles (in orange, the industrial three-phase type).
Right: assortment of Magic Security plugs.

This style of connector, produced by Italian brand Bticino, appeared in the 1960s and was intended as an alternative to the Europlug or type L connectors then in use(ref name="Cesco G. 1975. P 73")De Cesco G.: Acqua Luce Gas. Manuali pratici del far da sé. I Jolly bricolage. Fratelli Fabbri Editori, Milano, 1975. P 73.(/ref). The socket is an almost rectangular receptacle, with one or more lateral key pins and indents to prevent inverting the plug (it is polarised), or connecting plugs and sockets with different ampere ratings. At least four models were produced: three single-phase general purpose connectors rated respectively 10 A, 16 A and 20 A; plus a three-phase industrial connector rated 10 A; all of them have different key-pin positioning so plugs and sockets cannot be mismatched(ref)De Cesco G.: Acqua Luce Gas. Manuali pratici del far da sé. I Jolly bricolage. Fratelli Fabbri Editori, Milano, 1975. P 75.(/ref). The socket is closed by a safety lid (bearing the word ‘’Magic’’ on it) which can be opened only with an even pressure on its surface, thus preventing the insertion of objects (except the plug itself) inside the socket. The contacts are blades positioned on both sides of the plug; the plug is energized only when it is inserted fully into the socket.

The obvious drawback of the system is that it is not compatible with europlugs. As household appliances were never sold fitted with these security plugs and the use of adapters would defeat all of the newly introduced safety features, once this system is adopted all standard plugs must be cut off and replaced with the appropriate security connector. However, the Magic security system had some success at first because its enhanced safety features appealed to customers; standard connectors of the day were considered not safe enough(ref name="Cesco G. 1975. P 73"/). The decline of the system occurred when safety lids similar to the Magic type were developed (VIMAR Sicury(ref)La ricerca della sicurezza. Il brevetto Sicury. www.vimar.eu. Retrieved on 12 Feb 2009.(/ref)) and then applied to standard type L sockets by third brands and by Bticino itself.

In Italy, the system was never definitively abandoned and, though rarely seen today, is still marked as available in Bticino’s products catalogue(ref)Catalogo online. Installazione civile. www.professionisti.bticino.it. Retrieved on 12 Feb 2009.(/ref).

In Chile, 10 [A] Magic connectors are commonly used for computer/laboratory power networks, as well as in those to be used with communications or data equipments, as a measure to standardize and improve reliability, due to its polarised nature, and the difficulty to be accidentally unplugged, compared to the type L plug, commonly used. Nickh ²+, -- (msg) 16:03, 25 set 2009 (CEST)Rispondi

Schuko vs shuko


Scusatemi, noto che nell'articolo è più volte utilizzato il sostantivo "shuko", invece di "schuko", che sarebbe la dizione corretta, come spiegato nell'articolo stesso nella sezione relativa alla spina F. Penso che andrebbero corrette, ma non sono esperto del ramo e non so se la dizione "shuko" sia effettivamente in uso. In quest'ultimo caso proporrei di aggiungere una nota a proposito. Lgiordani (msg) 11:04, 16 giu 2008 (CEST)Rispondi

Tipo L (Italiana)


Ho aggiornato la voce correggendo alcune imprecisioni: "Questa presa in Europa oltre all'Italia è standardizzata nella Repubblica di San Marino, nella Città del Vaticano, in Albania e nelle Isole Canarie mentre fuori dall'europa è standardizzata in Cile, Etiopia, Libia, Maldive, São Tomé e Príncipe, Siria, Uruguay e trovata sporadicamente in Nordafrica (Tunisia) e occasionalmente in vecchi edifici in Spagna."



Domanda: Chi anchora conosce i impianti doppi dei anni 50, uno per «luce», l’ altro per «forza»? Si pagava meno per corrente «forza». – Trovato nella voce in inglese quì: (The double standard was initially adopted because in Italy, up to the second half of the 20th century, the electric power used for lamps and the one used for all other appliances were sold at different tariffs, charged with different taxes, accounted with separated electricity meters, and sent on different wire lines that ended with different sockets. Even though the two electric lines (and respective tariffs) were officially unified during the summer of 1974[26] many houses kept twin wires and twin electricity meters for years thereafter (in some zones of Lazio the 127V network was provided for lighting until 1999). The two gauges for plugs and sockets thus became a de facto standard which is still in use today and has been standardized with CEI 23-16/VII. Older installations often have sockets that are limited to either the 10A or the 16A style plug, requiring the use of an adapter if the other gauge needs to be connected.): The double standard was initially adopted because in Italy, up to the second half of the 20th century, the electric power used for lamps and the one used for all other appliances were sold at different tariffs, charged with different taxes, accounted with separated electricity meters, and sent on different wire lines that ended with different sockets.[25] Even though the two electric lines (and respective tariffs) were officially unified during the summer of 1974 many houses kept twin wires and twin electricity meters for years thereafter (in some zones of Lazio the 127V network was provided for lighting until 1999). The two gauges for plugs and sockets thus became a de facto standard which is still in use today and has been standardized with CEI 23-16/VII. Older installations often have sockets that are limited to either the 10A or the 16A style plug, requiring the use of an adapter if the other gauge needs to be connected.

– Fritz@Joern.De, Fritz Jörn (msg) 21:03, 11 nov 2012 (CET)Rispondi



Ho aggiunto alcune informazioni alla sezione di storia. Spero che sia di valore. Mi scuso che la lingua è stato generato da Google Translate da mia madre lingua inglese. Quando traduco di nuovo inglese sembra male, quindi spero che qualche editore italiano tipo correggerà la lingua.

Grazie! ElectricTattiebogle (msg) 23:34, 9 gen 2014 (CET)Rispondi

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Titolo della voce


La pagina Spina elettrica sembra che tratti sia di spine elettriche sia di prese elettriche. Tra l'altro Presa elettrica è un redirect a Spina elettrica. Sposterei quindi il titolo a Prese e spine elettriche o Spine e prese elettriche o altro titolo simile. In questo modo, però, andrebbe cambiato anche l'incipit della voce, ad esempio scrivendo che una spina elettrica e una presa elettrica sono due elementi che costituiscono assieme una connessione elettrica. Pareri? --Ensahequ (msg) 21:24, 4 mar 2023 (CET)Rispondi

@Ensahequ ti ho spostato la discussione qui, visto che l'avevi aperta in una pagina di servizio. --Riccardofila 21:48, 4 mar 2023 (CET)Rispondi

Prese comandate


Si potrebbe aggiungere un paragrafo sulle prese comandate, ossia le prese con accanto un interruttore che permette all'occorrenza di togliere il contatto elettrico? --Mauro Tozzi (msg) 20:40, 9 nov 2024 (CET)Rispondi

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