Discussioni Wikipedia:Ambasciata/Archivio 1/Collegamenti esterni

Ultimo commento: 18 anni fa di Pap3rinik

We inserted 3 links to a leading Italian Portal www.safetal.com and were told we were in violation. We apologise but point out that the link was to a Portal owned by a cooperative and with no profit motivation. The Portal is very large and full of useful information on all matters relating to security. La Reppublica in 2002 wrote "Safetal.com ... la più importante iniziativa italiana per chi si interessa di sicurezza.". The Portal works closely with UNI and Ilsole24ore and has a daily news section, dossiers, suggerimenti, forum, legge etc. We again apologise and request why other Portals are present like Domotica.it and yet out Portal is not considered ? Many thanks Alex Reed Safetal.com

Hello Alex. As far as I can see from the link you added:
  • the "portal" has, also, a commercial focus ("estimates", "products catalogue"), not only a no-profit one;
  • even though the whole "portal" would have been a no-profit site this is not relevant (see below);
  • the "portal" do not closely pertains to some of the topics you linked it to;
  • the reiteration of same link(s) insertion into it.wiki pages adding no relevant information could be considered as "spam".
Please refer to our external links policy: it clearly states links that are - and are not - allowed into it.wiki pages. IMHO (and not only mine) the one we are talking about is not.
-- Pap3rinik (..chiedi ad Archimede) 13:26, 4 dic 2006 (CET)Rispondi
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