This image depicts a logo or trademark of a specific country. In some countries, a logo or trademark is allowed on Wikimedia Commons because it is below threshold of originality, therefore it is not copyrighted. (Trademark rights and copyright are separate concepts. Even without copyright, trademark rights are protected.)
But there is not enough information to be sure that this image is below threshold of originality because:
the country in which a logo or trademark is originated has not been stated and cannot be ascertained; and/or
the country in which a logo or trademark is originated is not stated in Commons guidelines and cannot be ascertained.
This file will be deleted if the required information is not provided.
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In questa immagine è mostrata una bandiera, uno stemma, un sigillo o qualche altra insegna. L'uso di questi simboli è soggetto a restrizioni in diversi paesi. Queste restrizioni sono indipendenti dallo status del copyright.
Questo tag non indica lo status del copyright o la fonte del file. Il tag di copyright e la fonte devono quindi essere indicati. Vedi Commons:Licenze per ulteriori informazioni.
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