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English: Painting of Azuchi Castle in Gamō District, Ōmi Province (Ōmi-no-kuni Gamō-gun Azuchi-jō no zu)

colours on silk

87.8 × 121.9 cm

Osaka Castle Museum, Osaka, Japan.

The text on the upper right reads:

This castle was constructed in the first month of Tenshō 4 [1576] by the Minister of the Right Oda [Nobunaga]. Niwa Nagahide was made to oversee [its construction]. Initially [the mountain] was called Tsukigayama, [but it was] later changed and named Azuchi. The height of the mountain castle was over 2 chō [1.90 ha] 205 and over 1 ri [3.927 km] around. On the peak, there was a seven-level main keep. The base of the main keep was north to south, 20 ken [39.3 m] and east to west, 17 ken [33.4 m]. The sixth level therein had eight sides with windows. The Minister of the Right formerly began to believe in a foreign faith [i.e. Christianity]. Constructing a tall keep tower in his castle, he called it the tenshu kaku [keep]. This was the beginning of the building of tenshu kaku. The original [work from which this painting is based] was owned by an officer of the lesser magistrate [named] Kondō of Ishidera Village in the Gamō District. In the year of the Wood Rabbit in the Ansei era [1855], my late father [Iwasaki] Ōu obtained [this original], copied it, and stored [his copy] in his home. Recently, I heard that Kumagai Naoyuki opened a study into history. Relishing in old Japanese writings, he assembled from far and wide such [texts] and in turn, to possess them he brandished his illustrious brush and produced clean copies of these old Japanese writings; many were those who said to bestow [this painting] onto him.

Dedication transcribed by Iwasaki Shinayama, fifth month of Meiji 29
日本語: 近江国蒲生郡安土城之


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Data 1855, preface 1896
Fonte [1]
Autore Iwasaki Ōu 岩崎鴎雨
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Nota: Usa {{PD-Japan-oldphoto}} per le fotografie pubblicate prima del 31 dicembre 1956 e {{PD-Japan-film}} per i film prodotti prima del 1953.

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attuale00:53, 16 ott 2023Miniatura della versione delle 00:53, 16 ott 20232 178 × 1 608 (2,09 MB)Gryffindor{{Information |Description= |Source={{own}} |Date= |Author= Gryffindor |Permission= |other_versions= }}
09:56, 14 mar 2008Miniatura della versione delle 09:56, 14 mar 20081 520 × 1 093 (507 KB)ブレイズマン~commonswiki{{Information |Description=安土城図 |Source=~~~~ |Date=2008/3/14 |Author=投稿者が作成 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [説明] 大阪城天守閣所蔵,安土城図 87.8cm × 121.9cm

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