Air_Italy_B752_I-AIGA.jpg (800 × 533 pixel, dimensione del file: 85 KB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

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Descrizione Air Italy Boeing 757-200 I-AIGA
Fonte Opera propria (See also AlbSpotter Flugzeugbilder Aircraft Photos)
Autore Juergen Lehle
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87 457 byte

533 pixel

800 pixel

0,00125 secondo

90 millimetro

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attuale19:22, 13 giu 2006Miniatura della versione delle 19:22, 13 giu 2006800 × 533 (85 KB)JuergenL{{Information| |Description=Air Italy Boeing 757-200 |Source=own work |Date=2006/06/13 |Author=Juergen Lehle |Permission=GFDL/CC-BY-SA |other_versions=none }}

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