File:Aras River, Turkey-Armenia-Iran Border Region.JPG

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English: This astronaut photograph, taken from the International Space Station, highlights a segment of the international border between Armenia and Turkey. The Aras River separates the two countries, with Armenia to the north-north-east and Turkey to the south-south-west. Extensive green agricultural fields are common on both sides of the river (upper part of image), as well as a number of gray-to-tan urban areas including Yerevan (image top, slightly left of centre) and Artashat and Armavir in Armenia, and Iğdır in Turkey. While there have been efforts to normalize diplomatic relations between the two countries in recent years, the Armenia-Turkey border remains officially closed.

The dominant geographic feature in the region is Mt. Ararat, also known as Agri Dagi. The peak of Ararat, a large stratovolcano that last erupted in 1840 according to historical records, is located approximately 40 kilometres to the south of the Armenia-Turkey border. A lower peak to the east, known as Lesser or Little Ararat, is also volcanic in origin. Dark gray lava flows to the south of Mt. Ararat are located near the Turkish border with Iran. While this border is also closed along much of its length, official crossing points allow relatively easy travel between the two countries.

The white, glacier-clad peak of Mt. Ararat is evident at image centre; dark green areas on the lower slopes indicate where vegetation cover is abundant. A large lake, Balik Golu or Fish Lake, is visible to the west (image lower left).
Fonte NASA Earth Observatory
Autore ISS Expedition 28 crew
Luogo dello scatto40° 00′ 00″ N, 44° 30′ 00″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Posizione di questa e altre immagini su: OpenStreetMapinfo
Questa immagine o filmato è stato catalogato dal
Johnson Space Center
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) degli Stati Uniti d'Americacon il Photo ID: ISS028-E-15023.

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Image acquired with a Nikon D2Xs digital camera using a 65 mm lens, and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations experiment and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center.


Public domain Questo file è nel pubblico dominio perché creato dalla NASA. La politica sul copyright della NASA afferma che «il materiale della NASA non è protetto da copyright a meno che non sia specificato altrimenti». (NASA copyright policy e JPL Image Use Policy).
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40°0'0.000"N, 44°30'0.000"E



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attuale19:37, 25 lug 2011Miniatura della versione delle 19:37, 25 lug 20114 288 × 2 848 (13,14 MB)Originalwana{{Information |Description ={{en|1=This astronaut photograph, taken from the International Space Station, highlights a segment of the international border between Armenia and Turkey. The Aras River separates the two countries, with Armenia

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