English: Kuching, Sarawak. 1945-09-11. After the surrender ceremony at Kuching, Brig T.C. Eastick, Commanding Kuching Force, 9 Aust Division, accompanied by Lt-Col A. T. Walsh, CO 2/10 Field Regiment, 8 Aust Division (a Prisoner of War) and Col T. Suga, Commandant of all Prisoner of War Camps in Borneo, visited the Prisoner of War and Internee Camp of Kuching, where a parade was held at which the Prisoners of War were informed of their liberation. Shown, Mrs Agnes Newton-Keith (1), author of the novel Land Below the Kind [sic - Wind] speaking with Maj T. T. Johnson, 2/6 Field Park Company (2) and Brig Eastwick [sic] (3). Note: Mrs Keith later wrote a book on her period of captivity called Three Came Home."
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Nota che in alcuni Paesi i termini del copyright durano più di 70 anni: in Messico 100, in Giamaica 95, in Colombia 80, in Guatemala e Samoa 75 anni. Questa immagine potrebbe non essere nel pubblico dominio in questi Paesi, che inoltre non applicano la regola della durata più breve. L'Honduras ha un termine generale di 75 anni, ma questo paese applica la regola della durata più breve.
Australian War Memorial www.awm.org.au Photograph 116941. Caption: "Physical description: Black & white Summary: Kuching, Sarawak. 1945-09-11. After the surrender ceremony at Kuching, Brig T.C. Eastick, Commanding Kuching Force, 9 Aust Division, accomp
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