English: Bacteriorhodopsin - oligomer (trimer) with retinal molecule in each subunit (PDB ID: 1X0S). This image was created with RasTop (Molecular Visualization Software) and Adobe Photoshop Elements.
Opera propria usando: the Protein Data Bank (PDB) structural data:
Nishikawa, T., Murakami, M., Kouyama, T. (2005) Crystal structure of the 13-cis isomer of bacteriorhodopsin in the dark-adapted state. J.Mol.Biol. 352: 319-328.
PDB reference:
Nishikawa, T., Murakami, M., Kouyama, T. Crystal structure of the 13-cis isomer of bacteriorhodopsin.
Attribution: The author of the work, the original authors of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) structural data and the molecular graphics program used. PDB data and software citation example:
Image of PDB (Protein Data Bank) ID 1X0S (Nishikawa, T., Murakami, M., Kouyama, T. (2005) Crystal structure of the 13-cis isomer of bacteriorhodopsin in the dark-adapted state. J.Mol.Biol. 352: 319-328) created with RasTop (Molecular Visualization Software).
The RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) states on its website in the Policies & References section: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/static.do?p=general_information/about_pdb/policies_references.htmlcopia archiviataat the Wayback Machine
Data files contained in the PDB archive (ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org) are free of all copyright restrictions and made fully and freely available for both non-commercial and commercial use. Users of the data should attribute the original authors of that structural data. (...) Images created using PDB data and other software should cite the PDB ID and the molecular graphics program used.
Attribuzione: The author of the work, the original authors of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) structural data and the molecular graphics program used
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