Questa immagine ha bisogno di essere restaurata.
Se la vecchia versione è ancora utile (per esempio, se il ripristino dell'immagine altererà significativamente l'immagine), caricare la nuova versione con un titolo differente in modo che possano essere usate entrambe (per es. [[File:Mount_Everest.jpg]] → [[File:Mount_Everest - restored.jpg]]. Dopo avere caricato la versione restaurata, sostituire questo template. Sostituendo il nome in corsivo con il nome del file in questione. {{superseded|File:Mount Everest - restored.jpg|image restored}}
This photograph of the Republic of China is in the public domain in both the Republic of China and the United States because it is one of the following:
A photograph published before 1952.
An anonymous photograph published before 2002 and whose author is certified dead before 1952.
A non-anonymous photograph taken before 1952 and unpublished within 50 years of being taken, but published before 2002.
A photograph not included in another work whose copyright term started before and continued to June 10, 1992 or not exclusively created for that work, and meeting one of the following conditions:
It's unregistered—taken before June 12, 1962 and published from July 12, 1965 until December 31, 2001.
It's registered—published before July 11, 1975, or taken before June 12, 1962 and published before 2002.