File:Card puncher - NARA - 513295.jpg

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SconosciutoUnknown author o non pervenuto
Record creator
Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Public Information Office. (1919 - 04/1983)
English: A woman with a Hollerith pantograph punch, the keyboard is for the 1940 US census population card(Truesdell p.144). Compare with File:Census pantograph and 1930s keypunches.jpg, which includes the same woman.
Български: Жена използва пантограф тип Холерит за да табулира преброяването на населението в САЩ (1940 година).
Deutsch: Junge Frau beim Codieren der Censusdaten der Vereinigten Staaten mit einem Hollerith Pantographen
Español: Una empleada tabula un censo (1940) en un pantógrafo Hollerith
Français : Une femme compile le recensement des États-Unis à l'aide d'un pantographe Hollerith
Українська: Жінка обробляє результати Перепису населення США (1940 рік).
Data 1940 circa
date QS:P571,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
institution QS:P195,Q38945047
Still Picture Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-S)
Record ID
Quest'opera multimediale è disponibile nel catalogo della National Archives and Records Administration con codice di identificazione ARC (
National Archives Identifier
) 513295.

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  • Record group: Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007 (National Archives Identifier: 358)
  • Series: Census Machines, compiled 1890 - 1950 (National Archives Identifier: 513294)
  • NAIL Control Number: NWDNS-29-CM-C(9)
  • 29-CM-C(9)
Fonte U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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2 960 pixel

This is a card puncher, an integral part of the tabulation system used by the United States Census Bureau to compile the thousands of facts gathered by the Bureau. Holes are punched in the card according to a prearranged code transferring the facts from the census questionaire into statistics. [Woman operating the card puncher] (inglese)

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attuale13:33, 19 gen 2013Miniatura della versione delle 13:33, 19 gen 20132 960 × 2 332 (2,44 MB)Tony WillsReverted to version as of 23:13, 13 February 2012 this is the FP version, upload other version seperately
11:25, 28 apr 2012Miniatura della versione delle 11:25, 28 apr 20122 960 × 2 332 (4,2 MB)SoerfmAuto levels, sharpness
00:13, 14 feb 2012Miniatura della versione delle 00:13, 14 feb 20122 960 × 2 332 (2,44 MB)MmxxRemoved lines and scratches
16:46, 14 nov 2011Miniatura della versione delle 16:46, 14 nov 20112 960 × 2 332 (2,15 MB)Yann== {{int:filedesc}} == {{NARA-image-full |Title=This is a card puncher, an integral part of the tabulation system used by the United States Census Bureau to compile the thousands of facts gathered by the Bureau. Holes are punched in the card according to

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