File:Dennis Aogo - Champions for Charity (cropped).jpg

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Dennis Aogo during Champions for Charity at BayArena, Leverkusen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany on 2019-07-21, Photo: Sven Mandel

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Autore Sven Mandel
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processo di estrazione d'immagine
Questo file è stato ricavato da un altro file
: Dennis Aogo - 2019202170342 2019-07-21 Champions for Charity - 0606 - AK8I4387.jpg
file originale


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attuale00:39, 9 ott 2020Miniatura della versione delle 00:39, 9 ott 20201 737 × 2 287 (2,89 MB)Heiko GerberFile:Dennis Aogo - 2019202170342 2019-07-21 Champions for Charity - 0606 - AK8I4387.jpg cropped 68 % horizontally, 37 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.

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