File:Flag of Syria (1972–1980).svg

File originale (file in formato SVG, dimensioni nominali 900 × 600 pixel, dimensione del file: 89 KB)

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Text in the image shown in generic pseudo-Kufi font
العربية: علم اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية.
English: Flag of Syria (1972-1980), while the country was in the Federation of Arab Republics. The Arab text in the scroll held by the “Golden Hawk of Qureish” reads Arabic اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية, ittiħād al-jumhūriyyāt al-`arabiyya, i.e. the Federation (literally “Union”) of Arab Republics — in a quasi-Kufic script (in its original form, with a very ornamental letter dal د). Unlike Libya and Egypt, Syria did not display its name on the flag during this period.
Français : Union des Républiques arabes 1972-1977.
Data 1972-1980
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Questo file è nel pubblico dominio, perché The original author made this flag, among others, into the PD at Image:Syria-flag-changes.svg

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Public domain
This work was created in Syria and is now in the public domain there because its term of copyright has expired pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 12/2001, Syria's first ever copyright law (details). In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. Syrian works are currently in the public domain in the United States if their copyright had expired in Syria on the date of restoration (June 11, 2004) and the work was published before this date.

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  • Article 4 - "The protection prescribed by the law herein shall not include the following: "
    • a) "Groups of official documents such as laws, decrees, regulations, international agreements, judicial judgements, decisions of the administrative authorities and all other official documents and the official translation thereof."
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Questo tag non indica lo status del copyright o la fonte del file. Il tag di copyright e la fonte devono quindi essere indicati. Vedi Commons:Licenze per ulteriori informazioni.

Altre versioni Opere derivate da questo file:  Naval Ensign of the Federation of Arab Republics.svg

Colours scheme

Red White Black Gold
RGB 206/17/38 255/255/255 0/0/0 239/187/34
Hexadecimal #ce1126 #FFFFFF #000000 #efbb22
CMYK 12/100/98/3 0/0/0/0 75/68/67/90 7/26/99/0

Registro originale del caricamento

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Flag_of_Egypt_1972.svg licensed with PD-because
    • 2010-02-20T12:26:35Z AnonMoos 900x600 (54763 Bytes) oops, somehow transparentized white stripe
    • 2010-02-20T12:21:20Z AnonMoos 900x600 (54615 Bytes) previous version does not exactly fill rectangle, leaving transparent edges
    • 2008-10-10T19:07:30Z Flad 900x600 (59394 Bytes) Exact proportion ([[:Image:Flag of Egypt.svg]]/[[:Image:Flag of Syria.svg]]
    • 2008-02-15T17:33:47Z Kookaburra 450x300 (59369 Bytes) Red colour according [[Image:Flag_of_Egypt.svg|thumb]]
    • 2007-02-24T15:18:00Z Editor at Large 450x300 (59002 Bytes) Uploading with newly drawn hawk
    • 2006-10-22T16:04:27Z AnonMoos 450x300 (239072 Bytes) decrease filesize, improve rendering
    • 2006-10-22T01:27:18Z AnonMoos 450x300 (347104 Bytes) less blocky version of hawk, still not true vector conversion
    • 2006-10-08T08:17:17Z E rulez 450x300 (70230 Bytes) This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original description was: == Summary == The egyptian flag (1972-1984). Derived from == Licensing == {{PD-because|The

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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attuale18:54, 25 nov 2021Miniatura della versione delle 18:54, 25 nov 2021900 × 600 (89 KB)Havsjömatching eagle
18:15, 1 ago 2019Miniatura della versione delle 18:15, 1 ago 2019900 × 600 (58 KB)FDRMRZUSAReduced stroke width for wings. No other changes.
17:39, 30 lug 2019Miniatura della versione delle 17:39, 30 lug 2019900 × 600 (60 KB)FDRMRZUSACorrected imperfections in coat of arms: beak. No other changes.
17:56, 29 lug 2019Miniatura della versione delle 17:56, 29 lug 2019900 × 600 (60 KB)FDRMRZUSACorrected imperfections in coat of arms: wings. Corrected svg code errors in coat of arms. Optimized (and fixed) svg code. No other changes.
23:33, 2 dic 2018Miniatura della versione delle 23:33, 2 dic 2018900 × 600 (67 KB)Tcfc2349fixed code
10:18, 30 mag 2012Miniatura della versione delle 10:18, 30 mag 2012900 × 600 (67 KB)TRAJAN 117Stupid thumbnail!
10:14, 30 mag 2012Miniatura della versione delle 10:14, 30 mag 2012900 × 600 (67 KB)TRAJAN 117Try again!
06:49, 29 mag 2012Miniatura della versione delle 06:49, 29 mag 2012900 × 600 (68 KB)TRAJAN 117Improved hawk
21:53, 3 apr 2011Miniatura della versione delle 21:53, 3 apr 2011900 × 600 (53 KB)Orange Tuesday{{Information |Description=Flag of Syria (1972-1980), while the country was in the Federation of Arab Republics. Unlike Libya and Egypt, Syria did not display its name on the flag during this period. |Source=*File:Flag_of_Egypt_1972.svg |Date=2011-0

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