English: An animation showing the Fourier synthesis of a square wave with the first 15 approximations of the Fourier series. Below a frequency domain analysis for the current approximation is displayed.
Deutsch: Die Animation zeigt die Fouriersynthese eines Rechtecksignals mit den ersten 15 Approximationen der Fourierreihe. Unterhalb der ersten Abbildung ist das Amplitudenspektrum der jeweiligen Approximation abgebildet.
Created with Gnuplot 4.4.0, Inkscape and The GIMP.
Source Code for the 15th step in Gnuplot:
<source enclose="div" line lang="gnuplot">
set terminal windows
set terminal svg size 400,400
set output "SquareWave15.svg"
set multiplot layout 2,1
unset key
set border 3
set zeroaxis lt -1
set lmargin 7
set rmargin 2
set tmargin 2
set bmargin 2
set samples 10000
set yr [-1.5:1.5]
set xr [0:2.4]
set xtics out 1
set mxtics 2
set ytics out 1
set mytics 4
set pointsize .5
set label "x(t)" at -5,3.9 font "Verdana,12"
set label "|x(t)|" at -5.5,1.5 font "Verdana,12"
set label "t [s]" at 32,2.025 font "Verdana,12"
set label "f [Hz]" at 31.7,-0.32 font "Verdana,12"
unset multiplot
set terminal windows
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=An animation showing the Fourier synthesis of a square wave with the first 15 approximations of the Fourier series. Below a frequency domain analysis for the current approximation is displayed.}} {{de|1=Die Animation zeig