File:Gartoon filesystems trashcan empty.svg è una versione vettoriale di questo file. Dovrebbe essere usata quella versione al posto di questo file PNG, quando sia migliore.
On 06 Feb 06, at 18:15, Berto wrote:
> Dear Zeus
> I am a participant of the wikipedia project. I started some time ago to upload the gartoon icons on the wikipedia commons (the place where we keep images that should be avalable to all wikipedia projects all around the world) but some doubt about the licence arised.
> I'd like to know under which licence you released your gartoon icons (I think it's GFDL but it's better to be sure about it) and if you agree to have your icons on wikipedia pages.
Gartoon is licensed under GPL . Thank you for inserting my gartoon icons to the wikipedia commons. Gartoon is old but it still spreading through the globe :) .
> Thank you for your time
Sorry for very late reply, i was very busy, and still busy :)
> p.s.
> Forgive my all-but-perfect english. It's not my first language.
No problem, english is not my mother tongue either.
> p.p.s
> You can check to see what I did 'till now. We don't want to infinge any copyright so we need your permission to go on and/or to correct. If you don't reply or if you deny your permission these images will be deleted.
It's look great.
Zeus Box Studio [-]
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This work is made available under the terms of the Design Science License (DSL), a free and copyleft license. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of The Design Science License.
Questa immagine non possiede i requisiti per essere soggetta a copyright ed è quindi nel pubblico dominio, poiché è costituita interamente da informazioni che sono proprietà comune e non contiene condizione dell'autore originale.
Aggiungi una brevissima spiegazione di ciò che questo file rappresenta
Image from the Gartoon icon set from [ Zeus]. This image is released under the [ Design Science Licence]. Free Software Foundation judged this licence compatible with the [