Text Appearing Before Image: larger sizes of the urethral dilators introduced successivelywill tell of the exact diameter of the urethra. Prolapse of the Urethral Mucosa.—This rare affection consistsof an eversion or turning out of the urethral mucous membranethrough the meatus. For some reason the hypertrophied mucosabecomes loosened from its attachments and is extruded from theexternal orifice in the shape of a deep red or bluish tumor withthe orifice of the urethra in its center. The extreme grade of thisaffection is most often found in debilitated old women and in DISPLACEMENTS OF THE URETHRA 449 young children; a moderate amount of eversion may occur in anywoman who has had children. In the pronounced grades theprolapsed mucous membrane may become edematous or evengangrenous. The diagnosis is made by discovering a deep redtumor in the situation of the vestibule, that is covered everywherewith easily bleeding mucous membrane, and has a slit in itscenter that gives access to the bladder. If only a portion of Text Appearing After Image:
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17 settembre 2015
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