File:HUN Order of Merit of the Hungarian Rep (civil) 5class BAR.svg

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Polski: Baretka: Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Zasługi Republiki Węgierskiej (Orderu Zasługi Węgier) – odmiana cywilna.
English: Ribbon bar: Knight’s / Cavalier’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (Order of Merit of Hungary) – civil division.
Magyar: Szalagsáv: Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend (Magyar Érdemrend) Lovagkeresztje – polgári.
Autore Mboro
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This file is in the public domain in Hungary according to the Hungarian Copyright Act (Act No. LXXVI of 1999 on copyright) (consolidated actual text see WIPO) as one or more of the following applies:
  • Published works by known authors. Seventy years have passed since 1 January of the year following the year in which the author died (or, if there were joint authors, the year in which the author dying last died): Articles 31(1) and (2).
  • Published works by unknown authors. Seventy years have passed since 1 January of the year following the year in which the work was first disclosed: Article 31(3). (If the author becomes known during this time, the preceding paragraph applies.)
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