The Hall effect in metal under various circumstances
Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page at
#declare NorthAtLeft=no; // Orientation of magnetic field:
// Use "yes" for north pole to the left, and south pole to the right
// Use "no" for north pole to the right, and south pole to the left
#declare PlusTowardsViewer=yes; // Direction of current:
// Use "yes" to have the positive pole at the ends of battery and Hall sensor nearest to viewer
// Use "no" to have the negative pole at the ends of battery and Hall sensor nearest to viewer
#declare PositiveCharge=no; // Polarity (color) of charge carriers in the circuit:
// Use "yes" for orangeish colored charge carriers in wires and Hall sensor
// Use "no" for light blue colored charge carriers in wires and Hall sensor
#declare HallUpwards=yes; // Direction of sideways force upon charge carriers:
// Use "yes" to have the charge carriers "bend upwards" inside Hall element
// Use "no" to have the charge carriers "bend downwards" inside Hall element
#declare NegativeEdgeUp=yes; // Electrical polarization of Hall element (indicated by color):
// Use "yes" to have bluish color at top of Hall element, indicating negative charge here
// Use "no" to have reddish color at top of Hall element, indicating positive charge here
#declare MagnetFont="arialbd.ttf" // Font for the "N" and "S" nomenclature on magnets
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare txtNeutralElement=texture { // Texture for electrically neutral parts of Hall element
pigment {color rgbft <.5,.5,.5,1,0>}
finish {
reflection rgb .5
phong 1
#declare txtNegativeElement=texture { // Texture for negatively charged parts of Hall element
pigment {color rgbft <.1,.3,.9,1,0>}
finish {
reflection rgb <.1,.3,.9>
phong 1
#declare txtPositiveElement=texture { // Texture for positively charged parts of Hall element
pigment {color rgbft <.9,.3,.1,1,0>}
finish {
reflection rgb <.9,.3,.1>
phong 1
#declare txtPolarisedElement=texture { // Texture for polarized parts of the Hall element
gradient y
texture_map {
[0 txtNegativeElement]
[.5 txtNeutralElement]
[1 txtPositiveElement]
translate <0,-.5,0>
#if (NegativeEdgeUp)
rotate <180,0,0>
#declare txtHallElement=texture { // Complete texture for the entire Hall element
gradient z
texture_map {
[0 txtNeutralElement]
[.5 txtPolarisedElement]
[1 txtNeutralElement]
translate <0,0,-.5>
scale 4
#declare WireTxt=texture { // Texture for the wires connecting Hall element with power source
pigment {color rgb .5}
finish {
reflection rgb .7
phong 3
#declare Qtorus=intersection{ // 1/4 of a torus, for rounded "corner" on the wiring
torus {1,.06 rotate <0,0,90>}
box {-2,<2,0,0>}
#declare PlusPgmt=pigment { // Pigment for positive end of the battery (power source)
object {
merge {
box {<-.3,0, .35>,<.3,1,.45>}
box {<-.05,0, .1>,<.05,1,.7>}
pigment {color rgb <1,0,0>}
pigment {color rgb 1}
#declare MinusPgmt=pigment { // Pigment for negative end of the battery (power source)
object {
box {<-.3,0,-.55>,<.3,1,-.45>}
pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>}
pigment {color rgb 1}
#declare PowerSource=union { // Power source, symbolised by a battery
merge {
torus {.45,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,-.95>}
cylinder {<0,0,-.95>,<0,0,.8>,.5}
torus {.45,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0, .8>}
pigment {
object {
plane {<0,0,1>,0}
pigment {PlusPgmt}
pigment {MinusPgmt}
rotate <0,0,-35>
finish {ambient .4}
merge {
torus {.35,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,-.95>}
cylinder {<0,0,-1>,<0,0,-.9>,.35}
torus {.35,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.8>}
cylinder {<0,0,.85>,<0,0,.8>,.35}
difference {
cylinder {<0,0,.85>,<0,0,.9>,.15}
torus {.15,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.9>}
cylinder {<0,0,.9>,<0,0,.95>,.1}
torus {.05,.05 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,0,.95>}
cylinder {<0,0,.95>,<0,0,1>,.05}
pigment {color rgb .5}
finish {reflection rgb .9 phong 1 metallic}
#macro txtChargeCarrier(Transparency) // Texture for charge carriers and their "motion blur tails"
pigment {color rgbt <
#if (PositiveCharge)
finish {ambient .4}
#declare FieldArrow=merge { // Arrow indicating direction of magnetic field
cylinder {<-2.5,0,0>,<2.3,0,0>,.003}
cone {<2.3,0,0>,.05,<2.5,0,0>,0}
pigment {color rgb 0}
#if (NorthAtLeft)
scale <-1,1,1>
#declare StraightCharge=union { // Charge carrier with straight "motion blur tail"
sphere {0,.15 texture {txtChargeCarrier(0)}}
cylinder {0,<0,0,.499>,.15 hollow
texture {
gradient z
texture_map {
[0 txtChargeCarrier(0)]
[1 txtChargeCarrier(1)]
scale .5
#declare CurvedCharge=union { // Charge carrier with curved "motion blur tail"
sphere {<0,-1,0>,.15 texture {txtChargeCarrier(0)}}
difference {
torus {1,.15 rotate <0,0,90>}
plane {<0,0,1>,0}
plane {<0,0,-1>,0 rotate <-29.99,0,0>}
texture {
texture_map {
[0 txtChargeCarrier(.3)]
[1 txtChargeCarrier(1)]
frequency 12
rotate <0,0,90>
// The scenario:
box {<-.16,-1,-2>,<.16,1,2> // The hall element
texture {txtHallElement}
merge { // Wiring with travelling charge carriers
// Wiring on the side towards the viewer:
cylinder {<0,0,-2>,<0,0,-3>,.06}
#object {Qtorus rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-3>}
cylinder {<0,-1,-4>,<0,-2,-4>,.06}
#object {Qtorus translate <0,-2,-3>}
cylinder {<0,-3,-3>,<0,-3,-1>,.06}
// Wiring on the side facing away from the viewer:
cylinder {<0,-3, 1>,<0,-3, 3>,.06}
#object {Qtorus rotate <-90,0,0> translate <0,-2,3>}
cylinder {<0,-1, 4>,<0,-2, 4>,.06}
#object {Qtorus rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,-1,3>}
cylinder {<0,0, 2>,<0,0, 3>,.06}
texture {WireTxt}
union { // Charge carriers:
// Charge carriers on the side towards the viewer:
#object {StraightCharge translate <0,-3,-2.7>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <30,0,0> translate <0,-2,-3>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-2,-3>}
#object {StraightCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-4>}
#object {StraightCharge rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,-1,-4>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <150,0,0> translate <0,-1,-3>}
#object {StraightCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,0,-2.5>}
// Charge carriers inside Hall element:
#if (HallUpwards)
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <195,0,0> translate <0,-.3,0>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <30,180,0> translate <0,1.15,-1.5>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <0,180,0> translate <0,1.15,1.5>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <210,0,0> translate <0,-1,-1.5>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <15,180,0> translate <0,.3,0>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,-1,1.5>}
// Charge carriers on the side facing away from the viewer:
#object {StraightCharge rotate <180,0,0> translate <0,0,3>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <270,0,0> translate <0,-1,3>}
#object {StraightCharge rotate <270,0,0> translate <0,-2,4>}
#object {CurvedCharge rotate <330,0,0> translate <0,-2,3>}
#object {StraightCharge translate <0,-3,2.3>}
#if (PlusTowardsViewer)
scale <1,1,-1>
#object {PowerSource // The battery symbolising the power source of the circuit
#if (PlusTowardsViewer) scale <1,1,-1> #end
scale 2
translate <0,-3,0>
#union { // Pair of magnets
// The magnet at the left-hand side of the image:
box {<-15,-1,-1>,<-3,1,1>
pigment {
object {
text {ttf MagnetFont
#if (NorthAtLeft) "N" #else "S" #end
scale 2
translate <-4.3,-.7,-1.5>
#if (NorthAtLeft)
color rgb <1,0,0>
color rgb .85
color rgb .85
color rgb <1,0,0>
finish {ambient .4}
// The magnet at the right-hand side of the image:
box {<3,-1,-1>,<15,1,1>
pigment {
object {
text {ttf MagnetFont
#if (NorthAtLeft) "S" #else "N" #end
scale 2
translate <3.2,-.7,-1.5>
#if (NorthAtLeft)
color rgb .85
color rgb <1,0,0>
color rgb <1,0,0>
color rgb .85
finish {ambient .4}
// 4 x 4 arrows to indicate the direction of the magnetic field:
#local Ktal=-.75;
#while (Ktal<1)
#local Rtal=-.75;
#while (Rtal<1)
#object {FieldArrow translate <0,Rtal,Ktal>}
#local Rtal=Rtal+.5;
#local Ktal=Ktal+.5;
// Point of view:
camera {
location <4,3,-5>
look_at <.8,-1.3,0>
// Illumination:
light_source {<20,10,-15> color rgb 1}
light_source {<-10,20,10> color rgb 1}
// Spotty surroundings outside viewfield to enhance reflective surfaces:
#declare Spotty=pigment {
color_map {
[0 color rgb 0]
[1 color rgb .8]
scale .1
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient z
pigment_map {
[0.00 Spotty]
[0.88 Spotty]
[0.88 color rgb 1]
[1.00 color rgb 1]
translate -.5
scale 2
rotate <35,-32,0>