DescrizioneImage from page 264 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;" (1900) (14782705134).jpg |
Petromyzon, the Lamprey
Identifier: introductiontozo00dave
Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866-
Subjects: Zoology
Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd.
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library
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Text Appearing Before Image:
FIG. 228. — Siphostomafuscum, the pipe-fish. Nat. size. Photo, by W. H. C. P. elongated snout, and usually a long, slender tail. Thebody is encased in bony plates, and the male is often pro-vided with a brood-pouch, in which the developing youngare carried. Besides the bony fishes, which we have just consideredin detail, there are various other classes of fish.
Text Appearing After Image:
FIG. 22l>. —Petromyzon, the lamprey. One-fourth nat. size. After Goode. The Cyclostomi, or lamprey eels, are the only parasiticvertebrates. In the adult stage they either live attached 246 ZOOLOGY to the outside of other fishes, sucking their blood, or else they may penetrate intothe body cavity. Theydo not bite, because theyhave no lower jaw, andare known as round-mouthed eels.1 Lam-preys are found in the seasand in the rivers of thetemperate zones. Theyoccur on our Easterncoast and ascend rivers ;others live in the lakes ofNew York, in the GreatLakes, and in the Missis-sippi valley. In Europethey are much esteemedas food. The Selachians includethe sharks and rays, allinhabitants of the sea.They may be distin-guished from the bonyfishes by the rough skin,beset with spines, and bythe cartilaginous skele-ton. We have a num-ber of sharks on ourNortheastern coast, ofwhich the dogfishes andthe sand-shark are the i Fig. 229.
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