English: Arms of the Kingdom of Italy 1806.
Drawn by Theo van der Zalm. The arms show a Roman eagle as a supporter, on its breast a shield, with a silver pale charged with the blue Milanic serpent (spitting out - as it is originally meant - the first human). Both sides of the pale are divided horizontally. The upper right field shows the papal parasol with the keys of Saint Peter. The upper left shows the Venetian lion, but without bible and with a Phrygian cap (revolutionary symbol) on its head. The lower left quarter shows the white eagle of the house of Este (for Modena) and the lower right shows the arms of Piemonte, but under to the right charged with a silver tower (for Rovigo and Feltre). The shield is charged with an escutcheon showing the Iron Crown of Lombardy (with pinnacles) in a red border with silver rings. Around the shield is the order of the Legion d'Honneur. Above the eagle rises the Napoleonic star.
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2006-08-20 13:39 Theo van der Zalm 304×394×??? (37611 bytes) Arms of the Kingdom of Italy 1806 Drawn by Theo van der Zalm
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{{Information |Description={{en|Arms of the Kingdom of Italy 1806 Drawn by Theo van der Zalm The arms show a Roman eagle as a supporter, on its breast a shield, with a silver pale charged with the blue Milanic serpent (spitting out - as it is originally
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