File:Johann Sebastian Bach - The English Suite -1 - 15ECourante2.ogg

Johann_Sebastian_Bach_-_The_English_Suite_-1_-_15ECourante2.ogg (File audio Ogg Vorbis, durata 2 min 52 s, 226 kbps, dimensione file: 4,63 MB)

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The English Suite -1 - 15ECourante2

The harpsichord is copied from a one manual instrument built by Hans Moerman in Antwerp (1584). It was restored by Frank Hubbard in Boston (1963). The working plans of the instrument used are due to Lutz Bungart of the Instrument workshop. It was built in the early seventies by Al Goldstein when he was the partner of Lutz. The instrument has 2 manuals in the usual dispostion of 8x8x4.
Fonte The Al Goldstein collection in the Pandora Music repository at
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attuale10:33, 18 ago 20062 min 52 s (4,63 MB)Magnus Manske== Summary == {{Information |Description = The harpsichord is copied from a one manual instrument built by Hans Moerman in Antwerp (1584). It was restored by Frank Hubbard in Boston (1963). The working plans of the instrument used are due to Lutz Bungart

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