File:MJK33879 Chen Chang (Mr Long, Berlinale 2017).jpg

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English: The actor Chen Chang at the presentation of Mr. Long at the Berlinale 2017
Deutsch: Der Schauspieler Chen Chang bei der Vorstellung des Films Mr. Long auf der Berlinale 2017
Fonte Opera propria
Martin Kraft  (1979–)  wikidata:Q65553673
Martin Kraft
Nomi alternativi
Martin J. Kraft
Descrizione fotografo, interaction designer e wikipediano tedesco
Data di nascita 1979 Modifica su Wikidata
Luogo di nascita Germania Modifica su Wikidata
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q65553673
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Image: Martin Kraft (
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Altre versioni
Image extraction process Da questo file è stata ricavata un'immagine ritagliata: MJK33879 Chen Chang (Mr Long, Berlinale 2017) (cropped).jpg.
Luogo dello scatto52° 30′ 28,49″ N, 13° 22′ 21,72″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Posizione di questa e altre immagini su: OpenStreetMapinfo
Berlinale 2017

For taking this photo and licensing it under a free licence a (press) accreditation was required. The photographer had a valid accreditation and has sent it to the email response team, it has been archived in the VRTS system. Users with VRTS account can access it here. Please be aware that (press) accreditations are a permission to generally take photos only and do not make any statement about the copyright status of this photo!

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52°30'28.49000"N, 13°22'21.72000"E

157 millimetro

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attuale10:40, 1 mag 2017Miniatura della versione delle 10:40, 1 mag 20173 507 × 5 260 (11,53 MB)Martin KraftUploaded with LrMediaWiki 0.4.1

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