Attribuzione: Artist Clare O Hagan,
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The tradition of making a home altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary continued in rural Ireland until around the 1960's
This photograph shows an assemblage of images of Mary, traditional and contemporary, decorated with May Spring flowers of violets, bluebell and hawthorn blossom made by artist Clare O Hagan
Pre-christian rites of Spring - the Irish pagan festival of Beltane, held on the 1st day of Summer - 1st May, lies at the root of the May Altar.
Symbols of growth and fertility are placed on the altar in a celebration of the season.
May Altar in Ireland, work of artist Clare O Hagan
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== Summary == May Altar, artist's own work. The tradition of making a home altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary continued in rural Ireland until around the 1960's This photograph shows an assemblage of images of Mary, traditio
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