File:Portrait of Napoleon II by Thomas Lawrence (1818–1819).jpg

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Thomas Lawrence: Napoléon-François-Charles-Joseph Bonaparte, (1811–1832), styled King of Rome, later Duke of Reichstadt (called Napoléon II)   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Thomas Lawrence  (1769–1830)  wikidata:Q312096 s:en:Portal:Thomas Lawrence
Thomas Lawrence
Nomi alternativi
Sir Thomas Lawrence
Descrizione pittore, ritrattista e artista britannico
Data di nascita/morte 13 aprile 1769 Modifica su Wikidata 7 gennaio 1830 Modifica su Wikidata
Luogo di nascita/morte Bristol Modifica su Wikidata Londra Modifica su Wikidata
Periodo di attività 1780 Modifica su Wikidata–1830 Modifica su Wikidata
Authority file
artist QS:P170,Q312096
Napoléon-François-Charles-Joseph Bonaparte, (1811–1832), styled King of Rome, later Duke of Reichstadt (called Napoléon II)
Tipo di oggetto dipinto
object_type QS:P31,Q3305213
Data tra il 1818 e il 1819
date QS:P571,+1818-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1818-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1819-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Tecnica/materiale olio su tela
medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259
Dimensioni altezza: 57,8 cm; larghezza: 48,6 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,57.8U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,48.6U174728
Repository: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums
Numero d'inventario
Item Identifier: 1943.197 (Accession Number)

Samuel Woodburn, London, England (by 1833). Duc de Bassano, (by 1896); to his daughter, the Princesse de Bassano, sold; [through Martin Birnbaum]; to Grenville L. Winthrop (1938–1943) bequest; to Fogg Art Museum, 1943.

  • Notes: S. Woodburn lent the painting to the British Institute exhibition in 1833. Aug. 1896 "The Century Magazine" gives the owner as the Marquis de Bassano.
  • A Selection of the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Benjamin West, Esq., and Sir Thomas Lawrence, the Last Three Presidents of the Royal Academy, with Which the Proprietors Have Favoured the Institution, British Institution, London, 01/01/1833 - 12/31/1833
  • Exposition de Portraits du Siècle, École Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 04/25/1883 - 12/31/1883
  • Portraits de Femmes et d'Enfants, École Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 04/30/1897 - 12/31/1897
  • Tentoonstelling twee eeuwen Engelsche kunst [Two Centuries of British Art], Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 07/04/1936 - 10/04/1936
  • Grenville L. Winthrop: Retrospective for a Collector, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 01/23/1969 - 03/31/1969
  • Master Paintings from the Fogg Collection, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/13/1977 - 08/31/1977
  • France and the Portrait, 1799-1870, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, 12/03/1994 - 01/29/2002
  • A Private Passion: 19th-Century Paintings and Drawings from the Grenville L. Winthrop Collection, Harvard University, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Lyon, 03/15/2003 - 05/26/2003; National Gallery, London, 06/25/2003 - 09/14/2003; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 10/23/2003 - 01/25/2004
  • For Students of Art and Lovers of Beauty: Highlights from the Collection of Grenville L. Winthrop, Harvard University Art Museums, Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 04/16/2004
Attribuzione Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop
Iscrizioni Label: back of canvas: Mlle. Debassans / 11 Rue du Mont Durville / Paris XVI. [circular stamp over this label, mostly illegible, includes "Centrale."]
Fonte/Fotografo (direct link)


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Uploaded 22:26, 2 Aug 2004 to de.wikipedia de:User:Anathema.


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attuale12:34, 29 apr 2017Miniatura della versione delle 12:34, 29 apr 20171 984 × 2 348 (620 KB)Ras67losslessly cropped with Jpegcrop
12:34, 29 apr 2017Nessuna miniatura2 015 × 2 400 (689 KB)Ras67high resolution
11:21, 28 mag 2005Nessuna miniatura434 × 512 (248 KB)AndreasPraefcke* Title: Napoléon-François-Charles-Joseph Bonaparte, (1811-1832), styled King of Rome, later Duke of Reichstadt (called Napoléon II) * Item Identifier: 1943.197 (Accession Number) * Work Type: Painting * Creator: Thomas Lawrence ((Bristol, 1769 - 1830,

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