English: Flag used by Potatau te Wherowhero, the first Maori King.
From source: "Image by James Dignan, 15 October 2005"
Television New Zealand ran a series on the history of New Zealand called Frontier of Dreams. One episode dealt with the New Zealand land wars, fought between the British and Maori tribes during the 1860s. During this time, many Maori tribes grouped together into the Kingi Movement. Potatau te Wherowhero became the first Maori king, Potatau I. The television programme showed a flag that was purported to be the flag of Potatau Te Wherowhero. "I've not seen the flag before, but, judging by the accuracy of the rest of the series so far and also by the love of flags among the Maori, it would not surprise me at all if such a flag existed and was of a similar design to that shown." James Dignan, 15 October 2005
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