File:Radiocarbon bomb spike.svg

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English: Atmospheric 14CO2 in the second half of the 20th century.

The figure shows the 14C / 12C ratio relative to the natural level in the atmospheric CO2 as a function of time in the second half of the 20th century.

The plot was generated with gnuplot from data of atmospheric radiocarbon in Wellington, New Zealand 1954AD to 1993AD and at the Vermuntsee, Austria 1959AD to 1983AD. The SVG file from gnuplot has been improved manually.

The data sources provide the data as D14C. For the plot the absolute percent modern value has been calculated assuming that each measurement was done in the same year as the respective sample was taken.
Deutsch: Atmosphärisches 14CO2 in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Data AD 2008-08-09

Opera propria (Testo originale: Own work. Data from the following sources: )

Autore Hokanomono
(Riusare questo file)

All rights for generating the graphics shall be released. As far as I know there is no copyright protection on measurement data in general.

Public domain Io, detentore del copyright su quest'opera, la rilascio nel pubblico dominio. Questa norma si applica in tutto il mondo.
In alcuni paesi questo potrebbe non essere legalmente possibile. In tal caso:
Garantisco a chiunque il diritto di utilizzare quest'opera per qualsiasi scopo, senza alcuna condizione, a meno che tali condizioni siano richieste dalla legge.
Altre versioni
SVG sviluppo
Il codice sorgente di questo file SVG è valido.
Questo grafico in grafica vettoriale è stato creato con Gnuplot.
 This plot uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.
Codice sorgente

Gnuplot code

set term svg enhanced
set output "plot.svg"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set xrange ["1945-1-1":"2000-1-1"]
set format x "%Y"
set xtics 5*31556926
set grid
#set title 'Atmospheric ^{14}CO_{2}'
set xlabel 'Year (AD)'
set ylabel 'pMC/ percent'

#see Stuiver Polach for conversion between D14C and pMC

lambda = 1.0 / (8267 * 365.2422 * 24 * 3600)

set arrow from "1963-10-10", 210 to  "1963-10-10", 200
set label "PTBT 10-Oct-1963" at "1963-10-10", 210 offset -5,0.5

plot [][90:230] "<awk '!/*/{print \"19\" $1 \"-\" $2 \"-\" $3, mktime(sprintf(\"19%02i %02i %02i 00 00 00\", $1, $2, $3)) - mktime(\"1950 01 01 00 00 00\"), $6, $7;}' welling.195" us 1:(($3+1000)*exp(-lambda*$2)*0.1) tit 'SH: Wellington, New Zealand' w lines, "<awk 'BEGIN{FIELDWIDTHS=\"1 7 5 7 5 2 3 3 4 2 3 3 5 6 5 4 3 2 1\";} /^ HD-/{a = mktime(sprintf(\"19%02i %02i %02i 00 00 00\", $8, $7, $6)); b = mktime(sprintf(\"19%02i %02i %02i 00 00 00\", $12, $11, $10)); present=mktime(\"1950 01 01 00 00 00\"); printf \"%s %g %4g %2g\\n\", strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d\", (a+b)/2), (b-a)/2, b-present, $16, $18;}' vermunt.c14" us 1:(($4+1000)*exp(-lambda*$3)*0.1) tit 'NH: Vermunt, Austria' w lines, 100 tit 'natural level'
set output


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attuale15:32, 10 apr 2015Miniatura della versione delle 15:32, 10 apr 2015600 × 480 (27 KB)HokanomonoIncrease line width.
09:43, 9 apr 2015Miniatura della versione delle 09:43, 9 apr 2015600 × 480 (27 KB)HokanomonoChange green line to purple.
21:09, 5 apr 2011Miniatura della versione delle 21:09, 5 apr 2011600 × 480 (27 KB)HokanomonoChanged “Vermunt” to “Vermuntsee”.
14:30, 9 ago 2008Miniatura della versione delle 14:30, 9 ago 2008600 × 480 (27 KB)Hokanomono{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
23:27, 14 mar 2006Miniatura della versione delle 23:27, 14 mar 2006600 × 480 (21 KB)HokanomonoThis is a new version of Media:Atmospheric radiocarbon 1954-1993.svg. I have changed the title because I'm using additional data sources now.

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