File:Royal Coat of Arms of Greece (1863-1936).svg

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English: Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Greece from 1863- 1936
  • Royal Coat of Arms of Greece under the Glücksburg dynasty, created in 1863 for the new Glücksburg monarchy of Greece under King George I (Prince William of Denmark), used until 1924 when the King George II was exiled, until 1936 when the arms was replaced by a New version.
  • The Escutcheon features the white cross couped on a light blue field of Greece. The Inescutcheon features the simplified Arms of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. The shield is then topped with a golden Royal Crown.
  • It features an escutcheon divided by the red and white cross of the Order of the Danneborg, the first quarter features the arms of Denmark (three crowned blue lions and nine hearts in yellow field). The second of Schleswig (two blue lions passant in yellow field). The third of Holstein (a silver nettle leaf). The fourth of Lauenburg (a golden horse's head). Upon it is an inescutcheon divided into two, the first features the red and yellow bars of Oldenburg, the second a golden cross on a blue field of Delmenhorst.
  • The escutcheon rests on a golden pedestal and supported by two human figures representing the Greek mythological hero Herakles (Hercules), holding a wooden club and wearing the skin of the Nemean lion.
  • The escutcheon is surrounded by the ribbon and cross of the Order of the Redeemer, the cross depicts Christ Pantocrator, surrounded by the order's motto:"Η ΔΕΞΙΑ ΣΟΥ ΧΕΙΡ, ΚΥΡΙΕ, ΔΕΔΟΞΑΣΤΑΙ ΕΝ ΙΣΧΥΙ" or "Thy right hand, O Lord, is become glorious in power" from Genesis, 15:6.
  • The motto of the Coat of arms and of the dynasty, depicted on a golden ribbon below the pedestal reads: "Ἰσχύς μου ἡ ἀγάπη τοῦ λαοῦ" or "The people's love, my strength"
  • The coat of arms is then surrounded by a dark blue mantle and topped with another royal crown.
Fonte Opera propria; Based on: Royal House of Greece: Greek Royal Heraldry 1863-1967
Autore Sodacan
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