DescrizioneStandard Model of Elementary Particles.svg
English: Standard model of elementary particles: the 12 fundamental fermions and 5 fundamental bosons. Brown loops indicate which bosons (red) couple to which fermions (purple and green). Please note that the masses of certain particles are subject to periodic reevaluation by the scientific community. The values currently reflected in this graphic are as of 2024 and may have been adjusted since. For the latest consensus, please visit the Particle Data Group website linked below.
Français : Modèle standard des particules élémentaires : les 12 fermions et les 5 bosons. En beige, les groupes d'interaction. Les valeurs d'énergie sont régulièrement mises à jour et peuvent avoir changé.
Bahasa Indonesia: Model standar dari partikel-partikel dasar: 12 fermion dasar dan 5 boson dasar. Wilayah berwarna cokelat menjodohkan boson (merah) dengan fermionnya (ungu dan hijau). Harap perhatikan bahwa massa beberapa partikel bisa berubah sesuai hasil evaluasi para ilmuwan. Nilai yang dipakai diagram ini berasal dari data tahun 2024 dan mungkin sudah diubah sejak saat itu. Untuk konsensus terakhir, silakan buka situs web Particle Data Group di bawah.
Română: Modelul standard al particulelor fundamentale: 12 fermioni (6 cuarcuri și 6 leptoni) la care se adaugă tot atâtea antiparticule corespondente și 12 particule de etalonare (bosoni), și anume 3 bosoni vector slabi (W+, W- și Z0), 8 gluoni (diferențiați de sarcina color) și 1 foton. Acestora li se adaugă încă 2 bosoni teoretici, bosonul Higgs și gravitonul (nelistat în tabelul de mai sus). De avut în vedere faptul că masele anumitor particule constituie subiectul reevaluării periodice ale comunității științifice. Valorile reflectate de acest tabel în momentul de față datează din 2024 și e posibil să fi suferit ajustări. Pentru ultimele consensuri, puteți accesa situl Particle Data Group listat mai jos.
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Standard model of elementary particles: the 12 fundamental fermions and 5 fundamental bosons.
ప్రాథమిక కణాల ప్రామాణిక నమూనా
প্রাথমিক কণাসমূহের আদর্শ প্রতিমান: ১২টি মৌলিক ফের্মিয়ন ও ৫টি মৌলিক বোসন
המודל הסטנדרטי של חלקיקים יסודיים
প্রাথমিক কণার আদর্শ সারণী
அடிப்படை துகள்களின் நிலையான மாதிரி: 12 அடிப்படை ஃபெர்மியன்கள் மற்றும் 5 அடிப்படை போசான்கள்
Temel parçacıkların standart modeli: 12 temel fermiyon ve 5 temel bozon.
El modelo estándar de las partículas elementales: los 12 fermiones fundamentales, y los 5 bosones fundamentales.
Tabel model standar dari partikel-partikel dasar: 12 fermion dasar dan 5 boson dasar
प्राथमिक कणों का मानक मॉडल : 12 मौलिक फर्मिऑन और 5 मौलिक बोसॉन |
Updated Higgs mass according to recent ATLAS mass measurement, performed at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, yielding a Higgs boson mass of 125.11 ± 0.09 (stat.) ± 0.06 (syst.) = 125.11 ± 0.11 GeV. see
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Titolo breve
Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Descrizione dell'immagine
Chart of particle classification. Tiles are 240x240px spaced in 250px increments.