Title: "Italy, illustrated and described, in a series of views from drawings by Stanfield, R.A., Roberts, R.A., Harding, Prout, Leitch, Brockedon, Barnard, &c. &c. With descriptions of the scenes. And an introductory essay. on the political, religious, and moral state of Italy. By Camillo Mapei [translated by David Dundas Scott] ... And a sketch of the history and progress of Italy during the last fifteen years, 1847-62, in continuation of Dr. Mapei's essay. By the Rev. Gavin Carlyle", "Appendix. Travels, etc"
Contributor: BROCKEDON, William.
Contributor: SCOTT, David Dundas.
Contributor: Stanfield, Clarkson
Author: Italy
Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10151.f.6."
Page: 479
Place of Publishing: London
Date of Publishing: 1864
Publisher: Blackie & Son
Issuance: monographic
Identifier: 001828371
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