Text Appearing Before Image: PLATE X. SIMPLE DORIC INTERCOLUMNIATIOK From this arrangement are taken the measurements forall the modifications of the Doric Order. We divide the total height into 20 parts, one of whichserves us as the modulus, and which is also divided into 12parts. The base, with the fillet of the base of the column,is 1 modulus high. The shaft, with fillet and bead, is 14moduli high. The capital has a height of 1 modukis. The entablature is 4 moduli high, or \ of column withbase and capital. The total height is 20 moduli, and isdivided as just described. The best spacing of columns in this modification of theDoric Order is 1^ moduli between centers. This spacinggives a nice adjustment of the triglyph and metope. Thecenters of triglyph and column must be in line with eachother. Text Appearing After Image: PLATE XI. ARCHED DORIC INTERCOLUMNIATION, In this modification of the Doric Order the proportionsare two to one (20 to 10) ; that is, the total height is twicethe distance between centers of columns. The distancebetween pilasters is 7 moduli, and the pilasters are 3 mod-uli wide, giving 10 moduli between centers of pilasters. The width of arch opening is 7 moduli, the height 14, thetop being 2 moduli below the entablature. These proportions afford the best opportunities for thearrangement of the details, notably the triglyphs andmetopes. Vignola builds one-third of his columns into the pilasters,which method brings the extreme projection of the cap ofthe pilaster to the center line of columns. The cap of the pilaster is 1 modulus thick and \ modulusprojection. For details, see previous plates.
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