File:Total solar eclipse ESA425433.jpg

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English: This image – combined of many exposures – captures 'totality' during the 2 July 2019 total solar eclipse, the moment that the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun from Earth's perspective, blocking out its light and allowing the Sun's extended atmosphere – the corona – to be seen.

The image is a high dynamic range composition of 10 images with exposure times of 1/800, 1/400, 1/200, 1/00, 1/50, 1/25, 1/13, 1/6, 0.3 and 0.6 seconds at ISO 100. The images were taken with a Canon EOS 200D DSLR mounted on a SkyWatcher Esprit 80 ED using Solar Eclipse Maestro software.

The processing of this image highlights the intricate detail of the corona, its structures shaped by the Sun's magnetic field. Some details of the lunar surface can also be seen.
Autore ESA/CESAR/Wouter van Reeven


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Attribuzione: ESA/CESAR/Wouter van Reeven, CC BY-SA IGO 3.0
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Total solar eclipse

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