Utente:Carlomorino/Via Aquillia
- William Hazlit: The Classical Gazetteer (1851) [1].
- William Smith (ed.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1870) [2].
- [3] (4.) La via Aquillia (una delle ramificazioni della Via Appia) iniziava a Capua e scorreva verso sud attraversando Nola e Nocera de Pagani, fino a Salerno, da cui, dopo aver inviato un ramo a Paestum, it took a wide sweep inland through Eburi and the region of the Mons Alburnus up the valley of the Tanager; it then struck south through the very heart of Lucania and Bruttium and passing Nerulum, Interamnia e Cosentia returned to the sea at Vibo and thence through Medma to Rhegium. This road sent oif a branch near the sources of the Tanager, which ran down to the sea at Blanda on the Laus Sinus and then continued along the whole line of the Bruttian coast through Laus and Terina to Vibo where it joined the main stem.
- [5] Cerillæ (Carillæ), a maritime town of Bruttium, bet. Laus and Clampetia (40), on Via Aquilia. Cirella Vecchia. Cirella Vecchia, una frazione di Diamante
- [6] Portus parthenius, a town of Bruttium, in Teræneus sin., s. of Laus fl. Cirella, una frazione di Diamante