Loghi (INTRO)


L’attuale logo Telecom Italia viene presentato nel febbraio 2003, ma è da considerare il frutto di un’evoluzione storica e dei cambiamenti dell’azienda. L’origine del simbolo è infatti da rintracciare nei loghi delle società SIP e STET, che nel 1994 hanno portato alla nascita di Telecom Italia. A partire dal marchio SIP, presentato nel 1983, le variazioni riguardano prevalentemente il lettering ed il colore. Le 4, e attualmente 3 “ondine” rosse intendono richiamare i cavi telefonici attraverso cui avviene la comunicazione.

Open Access and other initiatives in 2008 (Voce inglese)


In February 2008 Telecom Italia created "Open Access", a new feature to manage all development and maintenance activities of the technological infrastructure of the access network; the process of access services provision to the Telecom Italia customers and other operators; and the related technical assistance. All this for better efficiency, quality and equal treatment. Open Access has been the basis for the dialogue between Telecom Italia and the Authority for Communication Guarantees and it has been preceded by the recruitment of voluntary commitments, approved by the Authority in December 2008. These commitments, which see the central role played by Open Access and its new processes to develop the access network of Telecom Italia, are useful to reinforce the competitive environment. In 2008 was also set up the Telecom Italia Foundation, which promotes innovative ideas and projects aimed at improving the living conditions of people.



Telecom Italia offers infrastructure and technology platforms on which voice and data are transformed into advanced telecommunications services and ICT solutions and state-of-the-art media: development tools for the Group and for the whole country.Telecom Italia  is the main telecommunications company,offering fixed telephone services, but also cellular telephony, public telephony, IP telephony, Internet and cable television in Italy and abroad.

Telecom Italia, TIM, MTV Italy and Olivetti are the main brands of the Group, familiar icons to consumers which guarantee reliability and competence.

The domestic leadership of Telecom Italia is matched with a meaningful international presence, focused on the big South American market, with Tim Brasil and Telecom Argentina, which now account for 34% of Group revenues.



 Telecom Italia promotes a fair competition, considered to be functional to its interests and those of all market operators, customers and stakeholders, by promoting and participating to initiatives and projects which manage technical tables (tavoli tecnici?) and other activities in collaboration with the competitors.

Our partner in this area are:

• the OLO (Other Licensed Operators), alternative telecommunication operators of fixed and mobile networks;

• the Authority for the Communications Authority (AGCOM);

• the Authority for Competition and Market Authority (AGCM);

• associations, federations of this category;

In Italy: Confindustria, CD Confindustria Digitale, CSIT (Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici), Asstel, , Assinform, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Distretto dell’audiovisivo e dell’ICT, FRT (Federazione Radio e Televisioni), HD Forum (Forum per l’Alta Definizione), DGTVì (l’Associazione nazionale per il digitale terrestre), Auditel, CNID (Comitato Nazionale Italia Digitale);

In the world: ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association), EIF (European Internet Foundation), EABC (European-American Business Council), ITU (International Telecommunication Union), EITO (European Information Technology Observatory), BIAC (Business and Industry Advisory Committee), BEREC  (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), GeSI (Global e-Sustainability Initiative).