Utente:Elisabetta Bogliatto/Sandbox
Meters and More
The main goal of the Association is to provide the industry with a proven open protocol for smart metering, thus being a tangible answer to the European Commission’s Mandate 441 to achieve standard AMM solutions across the continent. Association is in charge of making available an open basis and evolve the protocol specifications, certify compliance of new equipments and promote the protocol’s widespread diffusion.
To this end the Association will, inter alia, aim at:
Developing and determining the METERS AND MORE Protocol on the basis of an open decision-making procedure available to all the Members;
Rendering the METERS AND MORE Protocol standard specification documentation freely available to all the Association’s Members and, for consulting purposes, to entities and bodies involved in standardization activities, identified by the Board of Directors on the basis of objective criteria;
Making best efforts to ensure that the quality and level of detail of the METERS AND MORE Protocol standard specification documentation shall be clear and sufficient also in view of further development activities;
Making best efforts to ensure that standardized interfaces shall not be hidden;
Promoting the existence of a range of interoperable devices, applications and services by promoting open industry specifications, which could be implemented by licensed producers of devices and more generally products or services based on the METERS AND MORE Protocol, upon a royalty free license scheme initiated by the Association.