Utente:Filnik/Vandal Bazooka/Documentation
After you have downloaded the package, installed python and configured pywikipedia you must:
- Create the file vb_user.py, mine is this one:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
vb_user.py - Configuration File
About: http://vandalbazooka.sourceforge.net/
SVN: http://vandalbazooka.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/vandalbazooka/
# (C) Filnik, 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: settings.py,v 1.0 2009/03/9 11.50.00 filnik Exp$'
#YOUR Nick
user = 'Filnik'
# The whitelist is case-insensitive! Be careful ^_-
whitelist = ["Filoppof", "Maquesta", "CommonsDelinker", "Twice25", 'Alexander VIII', 'Alleborgo', 'Bella situazione', 'D.N.R.', 'Gianfranco', user]
blacklist = ['Venom']
freepages = ['Wikipedia:Pagina delle prove', 'Aiuto:Sportello informazioni', 'Wikipedia:Pagine da cancellare'
'Wikipedia:Oracolo', 'Utente:RevertBot/Report']
- If you're lang isn't currently supported, open settings.py and add your settings there (also in messages.py if you want, not needed btw)
- Then go to the bazookabot foulder, open bot_settings.py and add your language's config if needed.
- Create bot_user_settings.py mine looks like that:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
bot_user_settings.py - Configuration File
About: http://vandalbazooka.sourceforge.net/
SVN: http://vandalbazooka.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/vandalbazooka/
# (C) Filnik, 2008
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: bot_user_settings.py,v 1.0 2009/03/9 11.50.00 filnik Exp$'
path_vandalbazooka = '/home/fil/Desktop/BOT/vandalbazooka'
path_pywikipedia = '/home/fil/Desktop/BOT/pywikipedia'
- Open regex.py and add the regex to catch the vandalisms
- Then, run python bazookabot.py and let's see if all is working ;-)
- Note: if you run (better with crontabs) clean_log_page.py the log will appear a lot easier to parse (because it will be updated if the page has or not the vandalism anymore).