Utente:LametinoWiki/Sulpicia (satirista)
Sulpicia (Roma, ... – ...; fl. I secolo) è stata una poetessa e satirista romana attiva durante l'impero di Domiziano, appartenente alla gens Sulpicia.[1] Della sua opera sopravvive solo un frammento di due trimetri giambici dove tratta del suo amore per il marito. Nel XV secolo le è stata attribuita una satira [2] Viene citata due pesie di Marziale, ed è inoltre citata nelle opere di Ausonio, Sidonio Apollinare e Fabio Planciade Fulgenzio. is mostly known through two poems of [[Martial]]; she is also mentioned by [[Ausonius]], [[Sidonius Apollinaris]], and [[Fabius Planciades Fulgentius|Fulgentius]]. A seventy-line [[hexameter]] poem and two lines of [[iambic trimeter]] attributed to her survive; the hexameters are now generally thought to have been a fourth- or fifth-century imitation of Sulpicia. Judging by the ancient references to her and the single surviving couplet of her poetry, Sulpicia wrote love poetry discussing her desire for her husband, and was known for her frank sexuality.
Sulpiciae Conquestio
modificaUna satira di 70 esametri dattilici sull'espulsione dei filosofi greci da Roma operata da Domiziano. seventy-line hexameter poem on the expulsion from Rome of Greek philosophers by Domitian was for a long time attributed to Sulpicia.Template:Sfn The poem was preserved in an anthology from the early fifth century.Template:Sfn The only manuscript known to have survived antiquity, il carme 37 degli Epigrammata Bobiensia, preserved at Bobbio Abbey in northern Italy, is now lost; the modern text of the poem derives from four copies of a transcript made of the manuscript in the late fifthteenth century.Template:Sfn The poem, known as the Sulpiciae Conquestio (Sulpicia's Complaint) was first printed in 1498, and its authorship remained unquestioned until the second half of the 19th century.Template:Sfn In 1868, Template:Ill argued that the poem was a 15th-century composition; in 1873 Emil Baehrens was the first to suggest it was a work of late antiquity.Template:Sfn Modern scholars generally consider that the work was not by Sulpicia, and was composed in the fourth or fifth century AD.Template:Sfn The only information about Sulpicia that the Conquestio adds to that transmitted by Martial is the mention of three metres that she wrote in:Template:Sfn hendecasyllables, iambic trimeters, and scazons.Template:Sfn[N 1] It is unclear why the poem imitated Sulpicia, as she is otherwise only associated with love poetry, rather than the political satire of the Conquestio.Template:Sfn
modifica- ^ Per distinguerla dall'omonima poetessa, di fama maggiore, talvolta viene indicata come Sulpicia Caleni (moglie di Caleno), Sulpicia minore, Sulpicia la satirista, l'altra Sulpicia o Sulpicia II.
- ^ Sulpìcia, in Treccani.it – Enciclopedie on line, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. URL consultato il 22 gennaio 2024.
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