Voci su giochi da tavolo non presenti in itwiki ma esistenti in almeno 5 altre lingue.

number Wikidata sitelinks nome immagine descrizione
1 Q750693 21 Hnefatafl
gioco da tavolo
2 Q1139103 18 Renju
3 Q799903 14 bagh-chal
4 Q1319521 14 The Game of Life
5 Q1099570 13 Mehen
6 Q2180601 13 dama inglese
7 Q5876333 13 Fox games
8 Q1634851 12 Luzhanqi
9 Q2595970 12 Jungle
10 Q933844 11 three-player chess
11 Q1272695 11 Dōbutsu shōgi
12 Q284357 10 Afrikan tähti
13 Q2004095 10 Space Hulk
14 Q5557399 10 Ghosts
15 Q32510 10 shatar
16 Q589985 9 Pente
17 Q601529 9 Surakarta
18 Q834876 9 Phutball
19 Q1456644 9 Ricochet Robots
20 Q1786673 9 Triominoes
21 Q179649 8 Galaxy Trucker
videogioco del 2014
22 Q342547 8 Acquire
23 Q456463 8 Game of the Amazons
24 Q1094512 8 Civilization
25 Q1343187 8 Mū Tōrere
26 Q1511387 8 Parcheesi
27 Q3233939 8 Bezzerwizzer
28 Q3410789 8 Bul
29 Q4400684 8 dama russa
30 Q6428765 8 Konane
31 Q8034323 8 Word chain
32 Q1433046 7 TransAmerica
33 Q1660399 7 Junta
34 Q1897687 7 Alias
35 Q1973302 7 Necromunda
36 Q2364432 7 Marrakech
37 Q2452586 7 Tric Trac
38 Q3100090 7 Neutron
39 Q3338697 7 Neuroshima Hex!
40 Q3521217 7 Pallanguzhi
41 Q4154149 7 Daldøs
42 Q4688395 7 aeroplane chess
43 Q4693335 7 Agon
44 Q15264238 7 King of Tokyo
45 Q27826915 7 Mechs vs. Minions
46 Q220469 6 Race for the Galaxy
47 Q373777 6 Take It Easy
48 Q378234 6 Qubic
49 Q390444 6 EinStein würfelt nicht!
50 Q626402 6 Ubongo
51 Q903935 6 Breakthrough gioco da tavolo
52 Q925541 6 BattleLore
53 Q1034057 6 Can't Stop
54 Q1061250 6 Yota
55 Q1307125 6 Ingenious
56 Q1426935 6 Flames of War
57 Q1719421 6 Sho
58 Q1925687 6 Metro
59 Q2191320 6 Shove ha'penny
60 Q2215371 6 Salta
61 Q3032761 6 Djambi
62 Q3560824 6 Bauernroulette
63 Q4157232 6 business chess
64 Q4177597 6 Terrace
65 Q4212091 6 Canadian Checkers
66 Q5290335 6 Domineering
67 Q6825995 6 Mexican Train
68 Q8242267 6 Banqi
69 Q16332462 6 Gaming board from Knossos
70 Q18573786 6 Zombicide
gioco da tavolo
71 Q25345980 6 Tak
72 Q101242941 6 Root
73 Q107083119 6 Imperium
74 Q201274 5 The Game of Railroads and Robber Barons
75 Q350935 5 Chapayev
76 Q352255 5 Malefiz
77 Q451694 5 Hecatomb
78 Q739182 5 Britannia
79 Q1025620 5 Café International
80 Q1426591 5 Warzone gioco da tavolo
81 Q1476306 5 Um Reifenbreite
82 Q1502489 5 Mage Knight (Gioco da tavolo)
83 Q1740320 5 Key Largo
84 Q1772754 5 Thud
85 Q2279759 5 Shogun
86 Q2303559 5 Sorry!
87 Q2577711 5 ouk chatrang
88 Q2941795 5 Cathedral
89 Q3177930 5 Hare games
90 Q3195259 5 Kensington
91 Q3517103 5 Teeko
92 Q3918986 5 The Board Game
gioco da tavola
93 Q4685865 5 Adugo videogioco
94 Q4805925 5 Ashta Chamma
95 Q5187380 5 Crocodile Dentist
96 Q5347839 5 egg dance
97 Q6400316 5 Khanhoo
98 Q6926039 5 Mouse Trap
99 Q7193201 5 Pig
100 Q7452452 5 Sequence
101 Q7581894 5 Squad Leader
102 Q7850251 5 Tsuro
103 Q16247754 5 The Boardgame
104 Q17112854 5 Eclipse
105 Q28452893 5 Blood Rage
106 Q30306116 5 Great Western Trail
107 Q50189296 5 LYNGK
108 Q50376780 5 Suffragetto
109 Q52991302 5 The Quacks of Quedlinburg
110 Q58409118 5 Spirit Island
111 Q77852578 5 The Quest for Planet Nine
112 Q107835072 5 Lost Ruins of Arnak