Questa pagina definisce alcuni parametri di aspetto e comportamento generale di tutte le pagine. Per personalizzarli vedi Aiuto:Stile utente.
Nota: dopo aver salvato è necessario pulire la cache del proprio browser per vedere i cambiamenti (per le pagine globali è comunque necessario attendere qualche minuto). Per Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: fare clic su Ricarica tenendo premuto il tasto delle maiuscole, oppure premere Ctrl-F5 o Ctrl-R (Command-R su Mac); per Chrome: premere Ctrl-Shift-R (Command-Shift-R su un Mac); per Konqueror: premere il pulsante Ricarica o il tasto F5; per Opera può essere necessario svuotare completamente la cache dal menù Strumenti → Preferenze; per Internet Explorer: mantenere premuto il tasto Ctrl mentre si preme il pulsante Aggiorna o premere Ctrl-F5.
$( function () {
// High level overview:
// 1. The template [[Template:Category filters]] specifies the category filters
// 2. The basic metadata of the Wikidata properties corresponding to the filters are retrieved: type, min/max/regex constraints, authorised values if applicable
// 3. Widgets are created for each filter (dropdown lists, number input boxes…) with constraints if applicable
// 4. Depending on the number of articles in the category (<= 200 is a small category), the search strategy is 'prefetch' or 'online':
// A. Prefetch strategy:
// 1. A SPARQL request is done when the page loads, requesting these Wikidata properties thanks to SERVICE wikibase:mwapi
// 2. When the user enters the reque st, the filtering is done locally by the script by reading the SPARQL result
// 3. The logic is non-binary:
// * true = the Wikipedia article/Wikidata item matches all the filters,
// * false = it does not match at least one filter,
// * noProperty = one requested property is not present for the Wikidata item, so we are unsure if it matches the filters
// B. Online strategy:
// The SPARQL request is executed online with the specified filters
if( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) !== 14 || $( '#category-filters' ).length === 0 ) {
categoryFiltersTranslations = {
'en': {
'title-search-filters': 'Search filters',
'placeholder-WikibaseItem': 'Select one or more values',
'type-Time-after': 'Between…',
'type-Time-before': 'and…',
'type-Quantity-after': 'Between…',
'type-Quantity-before': 'and…',
'button-search': 'Search',
'button-reset': 'Reset filters',
'switch-partial-results': 'Show also entries with undetermined values',
'total-pages-displayed': '($1 displayed after filtering)',
'tooltip-missing-wikidata': 'This article has no link to Wikidata.',
'tooltip-missing-property': 'This article misses at least one property amongst the filters.',
'no-results': 'No results',
'it': {
'title-search-filters': 'Filtri di ricerca',
'placeholder-WikibaseItem': 'Seleziona uno o più valori',
'type-Time-after': 'Tra…',
'type-Time-before': 'e…',
'type-Quantity-after': 'Tra…',
'type-Quantity-before': 'e…',
'button-search': 'Cerca',
'button-reset': 'Azzerare i filtri',
'switch-partial-results': 'Mostra anche voci con valori non determinati',
'total-pages-displayed': '($1 visualizzato dopo il filtraggio)',
'tooltip-missing-wikidata': 'Questo articolo non ha un collegamento a Wikidata.',
'tooltip-missing-property': 'In questo articolo manca almeno una proprietà tra i filtri.',
'no-results': 'Nessun risultato',
'fr': {
'title-search-filters': 'Filtres de recherche',
'placeholder-WikibaseItem': 'Sélectionnez une ou plusieurs valeurs',
'type-Time-after': 'Entre…',
'type-Time-before': 'et…',
'type-Quantity-after': 'Entre…',
'type-Quantity-before': 'et…',
'button-search': 'Rechercher',
'button-reset': 'Réinitialiser les filtres',
'switch-partial-results': 'Afficher également les entrées avec des résultats indéterminés',
'total-pages-displayed': '($1 affichées après filtrage)',
'tooltip-missing-wikidata': 'Cet article n’est pas lié à Wikidata.',
'tooltip-missing-property': 'Il manque à cet article au moins une propriété parmi les filtres.',
'no-results': 'Aucun résultat',
// General regexes
// These can be used as a very filter filter to check user-entered values
var generalRegexes = {
'wikibase-item': 'Q[0-9]+',
'time-year': '-?[0-9]+',
'time-day': '-?[0-9]+-(?:0[1-9]|1[012])-(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])',
'quantity': '-?[0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?',
'quantity-integer': '-?[0-9]+',
// These are property metadata to be able to create selectors with a given quality level
// This object is populated a few lines below
properties = { // TODO add "var" keyword for production
/** EXAMPLES OF PROPERTIES TYPES - this is now loaded from Wikidata, but the schema (name of each characteristics and explanation) should be documented somewhere (possibly remain here)
'P21': {
// undefined|"WikibaseItem"|"Quantity"|"Time"|"Monolingualtext"|"String"|"Url"|"ExternalId" – type of the property
type: 'WikibaseItem',
// undefined|string|null – label of the property in the user language; null means we tried to get the name and we failed
label: undefined,
// 0|1|2|3|4 – quality level where:
// - 0: we don’t know anything about the property, not even its type. Nicolas: 2022-03-21 still exists ? Not present on https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discussioni_progetto:Coordinamento/Categorie/Progetto_filtro_categorie - Seb: 2022-03-21: this is the initialisation value, before any request to Wikidata to know the type, see beginning of getPropertiesMetadata()
// - 1: we know the type of the property
// - 2: if applicable, we know a regex of acceptable values (for string-typed properties) or a minimum and/or maximum of acceptable values (for quantity-typed properties)
// - 3: we know all values independently of the specific category we are visiting
// - 4: we know all values present in the specific category we are visiting
level: 1,
// undefined|Number – minimum value accepted for this property
min: undefined,
// undefined|Number – maximum value accepted for this property
max: undefined,
// undefined|string – regex constraint for this property
regex: undefined,
// undefined|null|string[]|Object[] – all values of the property, either globally either for the specific category if possible
// null means we tried to get the type and we failed
// for most property types this is string[], but for wikibase-item this is Object[] (each object is { item: (string), lang: (string), label: (string) }
values: undefined,
'P569': { // date of birth
type: 'Time',
label: undefined,
level: 1,
'P19': { // place of birth
type: 'WikibaseItem',
label: undefined,
level: 1,
'P364': { // original language of film or TV show
type: 'WikibaseItem',
label: undefined,
level: 1,
'P495': { // country of origin
type: 'WikibaseItem',
label: undefined,
level: 1,
'P577': { // publication date
type: 'Time',
label: undefined,
level: 1,
categoryFilters = {
'specFilters': $( '#category-filters-list' ).text().trim().replace( / /g, '' ),
'listFilters': $( '#category-filters-list' ).text().trim().replace( / /g, '' ).split( ',' ),
'sparqlQuery': null,
'searchStrategy': undefined,
'oouiWidgetsFilters': {},
'valuesFromWikidata': null,
'valuesFromWikidataLight': null,
'sitelinks': {},
'articlesToWikidata': null,
'allSubjects': null,
'cachePV': {},
var noQid = {}, // [unused] Marker for a Wikipedia article without corresponding Wikidata item
noProperty = {}; // Marker for a Wikipedia article with a corresponding Wikidata item, but one requested property is missing => the result of the request is uncertain
var userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
defaultLanguage = categoryFiltersTranslations[userLanguage] ? userLanguage : 'it',
defaultMessages = categoryFiltersTranslations[defaultLanguage],
itMessages = categoryFiltersTranslations.it,
sparqlLanguages = defaultLanguage === 'it' ? 'it,en' : defaultLanguage + ',it,en';
function msg( msgid ) {
return defaultMessages[msgid] ? defaultMessages[msgid] : ( itMessages[msgid] ? itMessages[msgid] : '⧼' + msgid + '⧽' );
if( !categoryFilters.specFilters.match( /^P[0-9]+(,P[0-9]+)*$/ ) ) {
console.error( 'Wrong parameter “filter”: ' + categoryFilters.specFilters );
events = new OO.EventEmitter();
var initialised = false;
var widgetSpinner;
// Some heuristics to evaluate the strategy depending on the category size
var isBigCategory = $( '#mw-pages > a' ).length > 0; // If there is such link, it is "The following 200 pages are in this category, out of N total."
// TODO some languages don’t use figures [0-9] like Farsi, Sanskrit, Oriya,… (16 languages according to my search in MediaWiki languages files)
var numberOfArticles = $( '#mw-pages > p' ).text().replace( /\b200\b/, '' ).match( /[0-9]+(?:[., ][0-9]+)*/ );
if( Array.isArray( numberOfArticles ) ) {
numberOfArticles = Number( numberOfArticles[0].replace( /[., ]/g, '' ) );
numberOfArticles = isNaN( numberOfArticles ) ? null : numberOfArticles;
console.debug( 'Big category? ' + ( isBigCategory ? 'yes' : 'false' ) + ', with ' + ( numberOfArticles !== null ? numberOfArticles : 'an unknown number of' ) + ' articles' );
if( isBigCategory ) {
categoryFilters.searchStrategy = 'online';
} else {
categoryFilters.searchStrategy = 'prefetch';
// When this promise is resolved, all properties metadata are obtained
var promiseProperties = getPropertiesMetadata( categoryFilters.listFilters, sparqlLanguages );
var titleForSparql = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).replaceAll( /\\/g, '\\\\' ).replaceAll( /"/g, '\\"' ); // escape backslashes and double-quote to prevent SPARQL injections
var filtersSparqlFields = categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( x ) { return '?' + x + ' ?' + x + 'Label'; } ).join( ' ' );
var filtersSparqlWhere = categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( x ) { return ' OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:' + x + ' ?' + x + ' } .'; } ).join( '\n' );
categoryFilters.sparqlQuery = 'SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?sitelink ' + filtersSparqlFields + '\nWHERE {\n SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "it.wikipedia.org"; wikibase:api "Generator"; mwapi:generator "categorymembers"; mwapi:gcmtitle "' + titleForSparql + '"; mwapi:gcmtype "page"; mwapi:inprop "url"; .\n ?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item .\n ?sitelink wikibase:apiOutput "@fullurl" .\n }\n FILTER BOUND (?item) .\n' + filtersSparqlWhere + '\n # OPTIONAL ONLINE QUERY\n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + sparqlLanguages + '" }\n}';
console.debug( categoryFilters.sparqlQuery.replace( /\n # OPTIONAL ONLINE QUERY/, '' ) );
if( categoryFilters.searchStrategy === 'prefetch' ) {
$.getJSON( 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql', { query: categoryFilters.sparqlQuery.replace( /\n # OPTIONAL ONLINE QUERY/, '' ) } ).then( function( x ) {
console.log( 'Wikidata data received' ); // DEBUG
console.debug( x ); // DEBUG
categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidata = x;
categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata = {};
x.results.bindings.map( function( y ) { categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata[y.sitelink.value.substr(24)] = y.item.value.substr(31); } );
categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight = x.results.bindings.map( function( y ) {
return Object.entries( y ).reduce(
function( acc, item ) {
if( item[1].type === 'uri' && item[1].value.substr( 0, 31 ) === 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/' ) {
acc[item[0]] = item[1].value.substr( 31 );
} else {
acc[item[0]] = item[1].value;
return acc;
}, {} );
} );
console.debug( categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight ); // DEBUG
categoryFilters.sitelinks = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.reduce( function( acc, y ) { acc[y.item] = y.sitelink; return acc; }, {} );
categoryFilters.allSubjects = x.results.bindings.map( function( y ) { return y.item.value.substr( 31 ); } );
// Update the values of WikibaseItem-type properties with real-used values (level-4 properties)
function registerValues() {
categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( prop ) {
if( !properties[prop] || properties[prop].type !== 'WikibaseItem' || !categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[prop] ) {
var values = x.results.bindings.filter( function( y ) { return !!y[prop] && y[prop].type === 'uri'; } ).map( function( y ) { return { 'data': y[prop].value.substr( 31 ), 'label': y[prop+'Label'].value }; } );
categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[prop][3][0].addOptions( values );
} );
$( '#category-filter-spinner' ).addClass( 'category-filter-hidden' );
if( initialised ) {
} else {
events.once( 'initialised', registerValues );
} );
mw.util.addCSS( '#category-filters { display: inline-block; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em; margin-left: 4em; } #category-filters div.filter { margin-bottom: 1em; } #category-filters div.filter-type-time .oo-ui-numberInputWidget-field { width: 12em; } #category-filters .category-filter-hidden, #mw-pages .hidden-by-filter { display: none; } #mw-pages .category-filters-unknown-qid.hidden-by-default, #mw-pages .category-filters-unknown-property.hidden-by-default { display: none; } #category-filter-advanced { margin-top: 1em; } #mw-pages div.category-filter-wrap { display: none; }' );
mw.loader.load( '/w/index.php?title=Utente:Ypermat/vector.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css', 'text/css' );
mw.loader.using( ['oojs', 'oojs-ui'], function () {
promiseProperties.then( loadUI );
} );
function loadUI() {
console.log( properties ); // DEBUG
widgetSpinner = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget( { progress: 0 } );
// Similar to MenuTagMultiselectWidget but with autocomplete
MenuTagMultiselectWithAutocompleteWidget = function MenuTagMultiselectWithAutocompleteWidget( config ) {
OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget.call( this, config );
OO.inheritClass( MenuTagMultiselectWithAutocompleteWidget, OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget );
* @inheritdoc
MenuTagMultiselectWithAutocompleteWidget.prototype.onInputChange = function () {
var value = this.input.getValue(), that = this;
if( !value ) {
this.menu.toggle( false );
$.getJSON( { url: '/w/rest.php/v1/search/title?q=' + value + '&limit=10', timeout: 5000 } ).then( function( result ) {
if( result && result.pages ) {
that.menu.toggle( false );
var options = result.pages.map( function( x ) { return x.title; } ).map( function( x ) { return { data: x, label: x }; } );
that.addOptions( options );
that.menu.toggle( true );
} );
var oouiWidgetsFiltersList = categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( filter ) {
if( !( filter in properties ) ) {
throw new Error( 'The property ' + filter + ' should be known at this time in the variable "properties".' );
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'WikibaseItem' ) {
var options = [], allowArbitrary = true, multiselectWidget;
if( properties[filter].level >= 3 && properties[filter].values && properties[filter].values.length ) {
options = properties[filter].values.filter( function( x ) { return !!x; } ).map( function( x ) { return { 'data': x.item, 'label': x.label }; } );
allowArbitrary = false;
// Type WikibaseItem: a list of the items (multiple choices allowed)
if( allowArbitrary ) {
multiselectWidget = new MenuTagMultiselectWithAutocompleteWidget( {
placeholder: msg( 'placeholder-WikibaseItem' ),
allowArbitrary: true,
verticalPosition: 'below',
selected: []
} );
multiselectWidget.on( 'change', function( items ) {
items.forEach( function( item ) {
if( typeof item.getData() === 'string' && !item.getData().match( /^Q[0-9]+$/ ) ) {
var api = new mw.Api();
api.get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'pageprops',
titles: item.getData(),
} ).done( function( data ) {
if( Object.keys( data.query.pages ).length === 1 ) {
var pageid = Object.keys( data.query.pages )[0];
if( data.query.pages[pageid].missing !== '' && data.query.pages[pageid].pageprops && data.query.pages[pageid].pageprops.wikibase_item ) {
item.setData( data.query.pages[pageid].pageprops.wikibase_item );
} else {
item.setData( false );
} );
} );
} );
} else {
multiselectWidget = new OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget( {
placeholder: msg( 'placeholder-WikibaseItem' ),
allowArbitrary: allowArbitrary,
verticalPosition: 'below',
selected: [],
options: options
} );
return [ filter, 'wikibase-item', [ ucFirst( properties[filter].label ) ], [ multiselectWidget ] ];
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'Time' ) {
var widgetProperties1 = {}, widgetProperties2 = {};
if( properties[filter].min && properties[filter].min.match( /^-?[0-9]+-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/ ) ) {
widgetProperties1.min = Number( properties[filter].min.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' ) );
widgetProperties2.min = Number( properties[filter].min.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' ) );
widgetProperties1.placeholder = 'min : ' + properties[filter].min.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' );
} else {
widgetProperties1.placeholder = 'min : -∞ (-infinite)';
if( properties[filter].max && properties[filter].max.match( /^-?[0-9]+-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/ ) ) {
widgetProperties1.max = Number( properties[filter].max.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' ) );
widgetProperties2.max = Number( properties[filter].max.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' ) );
widgetProperties2.placeholder = 'max : ' + properties[filter].max.replace( /^(-?[0-9]+)-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$/, '$1' );
} else {
widgetProperties2.placeholder = 'max : ∞ (infinite)';
// Type Time: two number selectors for year-min and year-max
var yearMinWidget = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( widgetProperties1 );
var yearMaxWidget = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( widgetProperties2 );
return [ filter, 'time', [ ucFirst( properties[filter].label ), msg( 'type-Time-after' ), msg( 'type-Time-before' ) ], [ yearMinWidget, yearMaxWidget ] ];
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'Quantity' ) {
var numberWidgetProperties = {};
if( properties[filter].min && properties[filter].min.match( /^-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ ) ) {
numberWidgetProperties.min = Number( properties[filter].min );
if( properties[filter].max && properties[filter].max.match( /^-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ ) ) {
numberWidgetProperties.max = Number( properties[filter].max );
var numberMinWidget = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( numberWidgetProperties );
var numberMaxWidget = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( numberWidgetProperties );
return [ filter, 'quantity', [ ucFirst( properties[filter].label ), msg( 'type-Quantity-after' ), msg( 'type-Quantity-before' ) ], [ numberMinWidget, numberMaxWidget ] ];
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'String' || properties[filter].type === 'Monolingualtext' || properties[filter].type === 'Url' || properties[filter].type === 'ExternalId' ) {
var stringWidgetProperties = {};
if( properties[filter].regex ) {
try {
stringWidgetProperties.validate = new RegExp( properties[filter].regex );
} catch( e ) {
stringWidgetProperties.validate = null;
var stringWidget = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( stringWidgetProperties );
return [ filter, 'string', [ ucFirst( properties[filter].label ) ], [ stringWidget ] ];
// TODO add more widgets here for more types (and possibly subtypes if we want multiple widgets for a same type, e.g. time-year and time-day)
} ).map( function( filter ) {
categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter[0]] = filter;
return filter;
} );
var searchButtonWidget = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: msg( 'button-search' ),
flags: [
} );
searchButtonWidget.on( 'click', launchSearch );
var resetButtonWidget = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: msg( 'button-reset' ),
icon: 'trash',
flags: [
} );
resetButtonWidget.on( 'click', function() {
categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( filter ) {
categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3].map( function( oouiWidget ) {
if( oouiWidget.menu ) {
oouiWidget.setValue( [] );
} );
} );
$( '#category-filters-total-filtered' ).html( '' );
if( $( '#mw-pages #category-filter-results' ).length ) {
$( '#mw-pages #category-filter-results' ).detach();
$( '#mw-pages div.category-filter-wrap > *' ).unwrap();
$( '#mw-pages h2:first-of-type' ).detach();
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-property' ).detach();
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-qid' ).detach();
$( '#mw-pages li' ).each( function() {
$( this ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
//$( '#mw-pages li .category-filters-unknown-qid' ).each( function() {
// $( this ).addClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
//} );
$( '#mw-pages div.mw-category-group' ).each( function() {
$( 'h3', this ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
$( this ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
$( '#mw-pages > div:first-of-type' ).css( 'display', 'block' );
$( '#category-filter-all-pages' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
} );
var partialResultsSwitch = new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget( { value: true } );
partialResultsSwitch.on( 'change', function( visibility ) {
$( 'li[data-wikidata]' ).each( function( i, elem ) {
if( $( '.category-filters-unknown-property', elem ).length ) {
if( visibility ) {
$( elem ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else {
$( elem ).addClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
$( 'div.mw-category-group' ).each( function( i, elem ) {
if( $( 'li', elem ).length === $( 'li.hidden-by-filter', elem ).length ) {
$( 'h3', elem ).addClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else {
$( 'h3', elem ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
} );
$( '#category-filters' ).append( '<h2>' + msg( 'title-search-filters' ) + '</h2>' );
oouiWidgetsFiltersList.map( function( widget ) {
var filter = widget[0],
type = widget[1],
label = widget[2][0],
oouiWidget = widget[3];
$( '#category-filters' ).append( '<div id="filter-' + filter + '" class="filter filter-type-' + type + '"><div class="category-filter-label"><label>' + label + '</label></div><span class="widget-filter"></span></div>' );
oouiWidget.map( function( x, i ) {
if( i+1 < widget[2].length ) {
$( '#filter-' + filter + ' span.widget-filter' ).append( widget[2][i+1] );
$( '#filter-' + filter + ' span.widget-filter' ).append( x.$element );
} );
} );
$( '#category-filters' ).append( searchButtonWidget.$element, resetButtonWidget.$element );
$( '#category-filters' ).append( '<span id="category-filter-spinner"></span>' );
$( '#category-filter-spinner' ).append( widgetSpinner.$element );
if( categoryFilters.searchStrategy === 'online' ) {
$( '#category-filter-spinner' ).addClass( 'category-filter-hidden' );
$( '#category-filters' ).append( '<div id="category-filter-advanced"></div>' );
if( !isBigCategory ) {
$( '#category-filter-advanced' ).append( partialResultsSwitch.$element );
$( '#category-filter-advanced' ).append( msg( 'switch-partial-results' ) + '<br />' );
$( '#category-filter-advanced' ).append( 'Advanced: <a id="category-filter-link-sparql" href="" target="_blank">SPARQL request for the whole category <img src="/w/skins/Vector/resources/common/images/link-external-small-ltr-progressive.svg" alt="External link" /></a></div>' );
$( '#category-filter-link-sparql' ).attr( 'href', 'https://query.wikidata.org/#' + encodeURIComponent( categoryFilters.sparqlQuery.replace( /\n # OPTIONAL ONLINE QUERY/, '' ) ) );
$( '#mw-pages > p' ).append( '<span id="category-filters-total-filtered"></span>' );
initialised = true;
events.emit( 'initialised' );
// Append to the wrapper
//$( '#category-filters' ).html( '<div class="wrapper" style="width: 300px"><h3>Search among biographies</h3><span id="birthYearMin">Born in (year) between </span> and (optionnal) <span id="birthYearMax"> </span> And (logical) <span id="andLogical"> </span> Born in (city) <span id="birthPlaceCountry"> </span></div>' );
//$( '#birthYearMin' ).append(birthYearMin.$element);
//$( '#birthYearMax' ).append(birthYearMax.$element);
//$( '#andLogical' ).append(switchButton.$element);
//$( '#birthPlaceCountry' ).append(birthPlaceCountry.$element);
//$( '.wrapper').append(
// searchButtonWidget.$element,
// resetButtonWidget.$element
function launchSearch() {
console.log( 'Search' );
if( categoryFilters.searchStrategy === 'online' ) {
console.debug( 'Search online' );
var sparqlValues = categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( filter ) {
console.debug( [ filter, properties[filter], categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue(), categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3].length > 1 ? categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue() : undefined ] );
if( properties[filter].type === 'WikibaseItem' && categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue().length ) {
return ' ?item wdt:' + filter + ' ?values' + filter + ' . VALUES ?values' + filter + ' { ' + categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue().filter( function( filter ) { return !!filter; } ).map( function( qid ) { return 'wd:' + qid; } ).join( ' ' ) + ' } .\n';
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'Time' && ( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue() || categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue() ) ) {
var valueTime = '';
if( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue().match( /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) ) {
valueTime += ' FILTER( ?' + filter + ' >= "' + categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue() + '-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ) .\n';
if( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue().match( /^-?[0-9]+$/ ) ) {
valueTime += ' FILTER( ?' + filter + ' <= "' + categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue() + '-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ) .\n';
return valueTime;
} else if( properties[filter].type === 'Quantity' && ( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue() || categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue() ) ) {
var valueQuantity = '';
if( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue().match( /^-?[0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?$/ ) ) {
valueQuantity += ' FILTER( ?' + filter + ' >= ' + categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][0].getValue() + ' ) .\n';
if( categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue().match( /^-?[0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?$/ ) ) {
valueQuantity += ' FILTER( ?' + filter + ' <= ' + categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3][1].getValue() + ' ) .\n';
return valueQuantity;
console.debug( 'unimplemented SPARQL datatype "' + properties[filter].type + '' );
return ''; // TODO for other types
} ).filter( function( filter ) { return !!filter; } );
if( sparqlValues.length === 0 ) {
var sparql = categoryFilters.sparqlQuery.replace( / # OPTIONAL ONLINE QUERY/, sparqlValues.join( '\n' ) );
console.log( sparql );
$( '#category-filter-spinner' ).removeClass( 'category-filter-hidden' );
var updateTextSpinner = function( iter, end ) {
console.debug( 'Progress', end ? 100 : iter*100 / numberOfArticles );
widgetSpinner.setProgress( end ? 100 : iter*100 / numberOfArticles * 100 );
//$( '#category-filter-spinner-text' ).text( ( end ? numberOfArticles : iter*100 ) + '/' + numberOfArticles );
getSPARQLResultsWithProgressBar( sparql, updateTextSpinner, 100, 500, 60000 ).then( function( x ) {
console.log( x );
$( '#category-filter-spinner' ).addClass( 'category-filter-hidden' );
var pages = x.results.bindings.map( function( item ) {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText( decodeURIComponent( item.sitelink.value ).replace( /^https:\/\/[a-z-]+\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\//, '' ) );
return '<li data-wikidata="' + item.item.value.substr( 31 ) + '"><a href="' + item.sitelink.value + '" title="' + title.getPrefixedText() + '">' + title.getPrefixedText() + '</a></li>';
} ).filter( unique );
if( $( '#mw-pages #category-filter-results' ).length ) {
$( '#category-filters-total-filtered' ).html( '' );
if( $( '#mw-pages #category-filter-results' ).length ) {
$( '#mw-pages #category-filter-results' ).detach();
$( '#mw-pages div.category-filter-wrap > *' ).unwrap();
$( '#mw-pages h2:first-of-type' ).detach();
$( '#mw-pages' ).wrapInner( '<div class="category-filter-wrap"></div>' );
$( '#mw-pages div.category-filter-wrap h2' ).clone().prependTo( $( '#mw-pages' ) );
$( '#mw-pages' ).append( '<div id="category-filter-results"><div class="mw-category mw-category-columns"><div class="mw-category-group">' + ( pages.length ? msg( 'total-pages-displayed' ).replace( '$1', pages.length ) + '<ul>' + pages.join( '' ) + '</ul>' : msg( 'no-results' ) ) + '</div></div></div>' );
} );
subjectQids = categoryFilters.allSubjects.reduce( function( acc, x ) {
acc[x] = true;
return acc;
}, {} );
if( categoryFilters.allSubjects === null ) {
console.log( 'Too early: we did not have the Wikidata data for now. Please retry later.' );
categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( filter ) {
subjectQids = applyFilterFirstPass( filter, subjectQids );
} );
categoryFilters.listFilters.map( function( filter ) {
subjectQids = applyFilterSecondPass( filter, subjectQids );
} );
console.log( subjectQids );
var displayedPages = 0;
if( $( '#mw-pages > a' ).length === 0 ) {
$( '#mw-pages li' ).each( function() {
var thjs = $( this ),
qid = thjs.attr( 'data-wikidata' );
if( subjectQids[qid] === true ) {
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-qid', thjs ).addClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-property', thjs ).addClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
thjs.removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else if( !qid ) {
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-property', thjs ).addClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-qid', thjs ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
thjs.removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else if( subjectQids[qid] === noProperty ) {
if( !$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-property', thjs ).length ) {
$( this ).append( '<span class="category-filters-unknown-property hidden-by-default" title="' + msg( 'tooltip-missing-property' ) + '"> <img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Adobe_RoboInfo_5_icon_-_2.png" /></span>' );
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-qid', thjs ).addClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
$( 'span.category-filters-unknown-property', thjs ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-default' );
thjs.removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else {
thjs.addClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
$( '#category-filters-total-filtered' ).html( ' ' + msg( 'total-pages-displayed' ).replace( '$1', displayedPages ) );
$( '#mw-pages div.mw-category-group' ).each( function() {
var total = $( 'li', this ).length,
hidden = $( 'li.hidden-by-filter', this ).length;
if( total === hidden ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} else {
$( this ).removeClass( 'hidden-by-filter' );
} );
} else {
$( '#mw-pages > div:first-of-type' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
if( $( '#category-filter-all-pages' ).length === 0 ) {
//var headerRegex = new RegExp( '^([ \n]*<h2.*?</h2>)(.*?)(<div dir="[^"]*" class="[^"]*" lang="[^"]*"><div class="mw-category">)', 's' );
//$( '#mw-pages' ).html( $( '#mw-pages' ).html().replace( headerRegex, '$1<div class="category-filters-intro-category">$2</div>$3' ) );
$( '#mw-pages' ).append( '<div id="category-filter-all-pages" class="mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr" lang="it"></div>' );
$( '.category-filters-intro-category' ).css( 'display', 'none' );
var items = Object.keys( subjectQids ).map( function( x ) {
if( subjectQids[x] === true ) {
return '<li data-wikidata="' + x + '"><a href="' + categoryFilters.sitelinks[x] + '">' + decodeURI( categoryFilters.sitelinks[x] ).replace( /^https?:\/\/[a-z-]+\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\//, '' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ).replace( /%3F/g, '?' ) + '</a></li>';
} else if( subjectQids[x] === noProperty ) {
return '<li data-wikidata="' + x + '"><a href="' + categoryFilters.sitelinks[x] + '">' + decodeURI( categoryFilters.sitelinks[x] ).replace( /^https?:\/\/[a-z-]+\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\//, '' ).replace( /_/g, ' ' ).replace( /%3F/g, '?' ) + '</a><span class="category-filters-unknown-property" title="' + msg( 'tooltip-missing-property' ) + '"> <img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Adobe_RoboInfo_5_icon_-_2.png" /></span></li>';
} );
$( '#category-filter-all-pages' ).html( '<div class="mw-category"><div class="mw-category-group"><ul>' + items.join( '' ) + '</ul></div></div>' );
$( '#category-filter-all-pages' ).css( 'display', 'block' );
return false;
* Add the attribute data-wikidata to <li> tag in the pages of the category.
* It requires the object categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata to be populated beforehand.
function addQidToCategoryPages() {
if( !categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata || Object.values( categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata ) === 0 ) {
$( '#mw-pages li' ).each( function() {
var a = $( 'a', this ),
href = a.attr( 'href' );
if( categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata[href] ) {
$( this ).attr( 'data-wikidata', categoryFilters.articlesToWikidata[href] );
} else {
$( this ).attr( 'data-wikidata', '' ).append( '<span class="category-filters-unknown-qid hidden-by-default" title="' + msg( 'tooltip-missing-wikidata' ) + '"> <img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Adobe_RoboInfo_5_icon_-_2-red.png" /></span>' );
} );
* Apply the first pass of one filter to a set of pages, which adds the status "noProperty" to pages if the filter is filled but the page has no corresponding property.
function applyFilterFirstPass( filter, subjectQids ) {
var property = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][0],
type = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][1],
oouiWidgets = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3];
if( !categoryFilters.cachePV[property] ) {
categoryFilters.cachePV[property] = {};
if( oouiWidgets.length === 1 && type === 'wikibase-item' ) {
var oouiWidget = oouiWidgets[0],
values = oouiWidget.getValue();
if( values.length === 0 ) {
return subjectQids;
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 2 && type === 'time' ) { // year
var minYear = oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ? parseInt( oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ) : null,
maxYear = oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ? parseInt( oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ) : null;
if( ( minYear === null || isNaN( minYear ) ) && ( maxYear === null || isNaN( maxYear ) ) ) {
return subjectQids;
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 2 && type === 'quantity' ) { // quantity
var minQuantity = oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ? parseFloat( oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ) : null,
maxQuantity = oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ? parseFloat( oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ) : null;
if( ( minQuantity === null || isNaN( minQuantity ) ) && ( maxQuantity === null || isNaN( maxQuantity ) ) ) {
return subjectQids;
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 1 && type === 'string' ) { // string
var stringValue = oouiWidgets[0].getValue();
if( !stringValue ) {
return subjectQids;
} else {
console.debug( 'unimplemented applyFilterFirstPass() unknown type' );
return subjectQids;
// Add items for which the property is not present: we cannot filter on this property so they have the status "noProperty"
if( !categoryFilters.cachePV[property]['no-value'] ) {
categoryFilters.cachePV[property]['no-value'] = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.filter( function( x ) {
return !x[property];
} ).map( function( x ) {
return x.item;
} );
categoryFilters.cachePV[property]['no-value'].map( function( x ) {
subjectQids[x] = noProperty;
} );
return subjectQids;
* Apply the second pass of one filter to a set of pages, which removes pages if the filter is filled and the corresponding property is declared for the page and the page does not have some searched value.
function applyFilterSecondPass( filter, subjectQids ) {
var property = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][0],
type = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][1],
oouiWidgets = categoryFilters.oouiWidgetsFilters[filter][3],
matchingItems = [];
if( !categoryFilters.cachePV[property] ) {
categoryFilters.cachePV[property] = {};
if( oouiWidgets.length === 1 && type === 'wikibase-item' ) {
var oouiWidget = oouiWidgets[0],
values = oouiWidget.getValue();
if( values.length === 0 ) {
return subjectQids;
values.map( function( value ) {
if( !categoryFilters.cachePV[property][value] ) {
categoryFilters.cachePV[property][value] = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.filter( function( x ) {
return x[property] === value;
} ).map( function( x ) {
return x.item;
} );
matchingItems = matchingItems.concat( categoryFilters.cachePV[property][value] );
} );
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 2 && type === 'time' ) { // year
var minYear = oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ? parseInt( oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ) : null,
maxYear = oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ? parseInt( oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ) : null;
if( ( minYear === null || isNaN( minYear ) ) && ( maxYear === null || isNaN( maxYear ) ) ) {
return subjectQids;
matchingItems = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.filter( function( x ) {
if( !x[property] ) {
return false;
var year = parseInt( x[property].substr( 0, 4 ) );
return ( minYear === null || minYear <= year ) && ( maxYear === null || year <= maxYear );
} ).map( function( x ) {
return x.item;
} );
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 2 && type === 'quantity' ) { // quantity
var minQuantity = oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ? parseFloat( oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ) : null,
maxQuantity = oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ? parseFloat( oouiWidgets[1].getValue() ) : null;
if( ( minQuantity === null || isNaN( minQuantity ) ) && ( maxQuantity === null || isNaN( maxQuantity ) ) ) {
return subjectQids;
matchingItems = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.filter( function( x ) {
if( !x[property] ) {
return false;
var quantity = parseFloat( x[property] );
return ( minQuantity === null || minQuantity <= quantity ) && ( maxQuantity === null || quantity <= maxQuantity );
} ).map( function( x ) {
return x.item;
} );
} else if( oouiWidgets.length === 1 && type === 'string' ) { // string
var stringValue = oouiWidgets[0].getValue() ? oouiWidgets[0].getValue() : null;
if( !stringValue ) {
return subjectQids;
matchingItems = categoryFilters.valuesFromWikidataLight.filter( function( x ) {
if( !x[property] ) {
return false;
return x[property].toLowerCase().includes( stringValue.toLowerCase() );
} ).map( function( x ) {
return x.item;
} );
} else {
console.debug( 'unimplemented applyFilterSecondPass() unknown type' );
return subjectQids;
// We remove from the result the items which does not match this filter AND have the corresponding property
// Because if the corresponding property is not present, it cannot vote and the item must keep its value "noProperty"
Object.keys( subjectQids ).map( function( x ) {
if( !matchingItems.includes( x ) && !categoryFilters.cachePV[property]['no-value'].includes( x ) ) {
delete subjectQids[x];
} );
return subjectQids;
* Retrieve SPARQL results with a progress bar.
* @param string query SPARQL query
* @param callback clb Function to call when intermediary results are obtained, its prototype is function( Number iter, bool end)
* @param Number? bucketSize Number of articles in each bucket (1000 by default, max 1000)
* @param Number? maxContinuations Hard limit of number of continuations (50 by default, max 50)
* @param Number? timeout Timeout of each request in milliseconds (60 seconds by default, max 60 seconds)
* @return Promise<Object> When the promise is solved, SPARQL result
function getSPARQLResultsWithProgressBar( query, clb, bucketSize, maxContinuations, timeout ) {
maxContinuations = maxContinuations === undefined || maxContinuations > 500 ? 500 : maxContinuations;
bucketSize = bucketSize === undefined || bucketSize > 1000 ? 1000 : bucketSize;
timeout = timeout === undefined || timeout > 60000 ? 60000 : timeout;
query = query.replace( /\?itemLabel/, '$& ?continuation' ).replace( /mwapi:inprop "url";/, '$& wikibase:limit "once"; mwapi:gcmlimit ' + bucketSize + '; mwapi:gcmcontinue "#PLACEHOLDER-CONTINUE#"' ).replace( / \?sitelink wikibase:apiOutput "@fullurl"/, '$& .\n ?continuation wikibase:apiOutput "/api/continue/@gcmcontinue"' );
var resultHead, resultBindings = [];
var promiseResult = function( continuation, iterContinuations ) {
clb( iterContinuations, false );
var thisquery = query.replace( /#PLACEHOLDER-CONTINUE#/, continuation.replaceAll( /\\/g, '\\\\' ).replaceAll( /"/g, '\\"' ) ); // escape backslashes and double-quote to prevent SPARQL injections
return $.getJSON( { url: 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql', timeout: timeout }, { query: thisquery } ).then( function( result ) {
if( !result || !result.head || !result.results || !result.results.bindings ) {
clb( iterContinuations, true );
return { head: resultHead, results: { bindings: resultBindings } };
} else {
if( result.head.vars && Array.isArray( result.head.vars ) ) {
result.head.vars = result.head.vars.filter( function( x ) {
return x !== 'continuation';
} );
resultHead = result.head;
if( result.results.bindings.length === 0 || !result.results.bindings[0] ) {
// SPARQL-MWAPI did not return any result, so we don’t know what is the
// continuation value and we are unable to continue the search, except
// by issuing a dedicated API call outside of SPARQL-MWAPI just to obtain
// this continuation value. This is a quite bad work-around but I did not
// find a better solution.
var api = new mw.Api();
return api.get( {
action: 'query',
generator: 'categorymembers',
gcmtitle: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
gcmlimit: bucketSize,
gcmcontinue: continuation,
} ).then( function( data ) {
if( data && data.continue && data.continue.gcmcontinue ) {
var newContinuation = data.continue.gcmcontinue;
return promiseResult( newContinuation, iterContinuations+1 );
} else {
return { head: resultHead, results: { bindings: resultBindings } };
} );
var newContinuation = result.results.bindings[0].continuation && result.results.bindings[0].continuation.value ? result.results.bindings[0].continuation.value : false;
resultBindings = resultBindings.concat( result.results.bindings.map( function( x ) {
delete x.continuation;
return x;
} ) );
if( !newContinuation || iterContinuations > maxContinuations ) {
clb( iterContinuations, true );
return { head: resultHead, results: { bindings: resultBindings } };
return promiseResult( newContinuation, iterContinuations+1 );
} );
return promiseResult( '', 0 );
* Retrieve basic metadata for properties.
* Security: this function handles sanitisation of the parameters.
* Global variables: isBigCategory, properties
* Used functions: getPropertyMetadata, getAuthorisedValues
* @param string[] listProperties List of properties, each one must be ^P[0-9]+$
* @param string languages List of language codes (the latters are fallbacks of the formers), e.g. "hi,en,it"
* @return Promise<void> When the promise is solved, all metadata for the properties were put in the global object `properties`
function getPropertiesMetadata( listProperties, languages ) {
listProperties = listProperties.filter( function( property ) {
return /^P[0-9]+$/.test( property );
} );
return Promise.all( listProperties.map( function( property ) {
// initialise the description of the property, but do not override if already defined
if( !properties[property] ) {
properties[property] = {
type: undefined,
label: undefined,
level: 0,
// if the category already reached the maximum level, do not recompute it (it is the case if the definition of `properties` statically defines the values)
if( properties[property].level === 4 ) {
// TODO discuss and evaluate what should be considered a “big category” (the current condition says 200 articles)
if( properties[property].level === 3 && isBigCategory ) {
return getPropertyMetadata( property, languages ).then( function( x ) {
properties[property] = {
type: x.type,
label: x.label,
level: 1,
if( x.type === 'String' || x.type === 'Monolingualtext' || x.type === 'Url' || x.type === 'ExternalId' ) {
if( x.regex !== undefined ) {
properties[property].level = 2;
properties[property].regex = x.regex;
} else if( x.type === 'Quantity' || x.type === 'Time' ) {
if( x.min !== undefined ) {
properties[property].level = 2;
properties[property].min = x.min;
if( x.max !== undefined ) {
properties[property].level = 2;
properties[property].max = x.max;
} else if( x.type === 'WikibaseItem' && x.imageCard && !properties[property].values ) {
return getAuthorisedValues( property, languages ).then( function( y ) {
// do not override level-4 values if they became available
if( !properties[property].values ) {
properties[property].level = 3;
properties[property].values = y;
} ).fail( function( y ) {
if( !properties[property].values ) {
properties[property].values = null;
} );
} );
} ) );
* Get authorised values of a property with a “one-of” constraint.
* Security warning: the parameters are not escaped, do proper escaping before use.
* Global variables: -
* Used functions: $.getJSON
* TODO return the values of the qualifier “exception to contraint” (P2303), very rare but currently used on P91, P517, P853, P9971
* @param string Pid Property ID, e.g. "P21" or "P577"
* @param string languages List of language codes (the latters are fallbacks of the formers), e.g. "hi,en,it"
* @return Promise<string[][]|null> Promise returning a list of authorised values or null if there is no contraint “one-of”; each value is an object { item: (string), lang: (string), label: (string) ]
function getAuthorisedValues( Pid, languages ) {
var sparql = 'SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { wd:' + Pid + ' wikibase:propertyType wikibase:WikibaseItem ; p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510859 ; pq:P2305 ?item ] . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + languages + '" } }';
return $.getJSON( 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql', { query: sparql } ).then( function( x ) {
if( !x || !x.results || !x.results.bindings || !Array.isArray( x.results.bindings ) ) {
return null; // TODO return error?
if( x.results.bindings.length === 0 ) {
return null;
return x.results.bindings.map( function( y ) {
if( !y || !y.item || !y.itemLabel || y.item.type !== 'uri' || y.itemLabel.type !== 'literal' || y.item.value.substr( 0, 31 ) !== 'http://www.wikidata.org/entity/' ) {
return null;
return { item: y.item.value.substr( 31 ), lang: y.itemLabel['xml:lang'], label: y.itemLabel.value };
} ).filter( function( y ) {
return !!y;
} );
} );
* Try to get all values of a property (the image of the property).
* Security warning: the parameters are not escaped, do proper escaping before use.
* Warning: this can be very expansive and long for most properties: only launch this function when you are confident enough there are only a few values (e.g. chemical elements (P246)).
* Global variables: -
* Used functions: $.getJSON
* @param string Pid Property ID, e.g. "P21" or "P577"
* @param Number timeout Timeout for the request in milliseconds; there is a hard limit to 5 seconds
* @return Promise<string[]|null> Promise returning a list of all values or null if we cannot obtain this list
function getAllValues( Pid, timeout ) {
var sparql = 'SELECT ?value WHERE { [] wdt:' + Pid + ' ?value }';
if( !timeout || timeout <= 0 || timeout >= 5000 ) {
timeout = 5000;
return $.getJSON( { url: 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql', timeout: timeout }, { query: sparql } ).then( function( x ) {
if( !x || !x.results || !x.results.bindings || !Array.isArray( x.results.bindings ) ) {
return null; // TODO return error?
return x.results.bindings.map( function( y ) {
// TODO should we manage "unknown value"?
if( !y || !y.value ) {
return null;
return y.value.value;
} ).filter( function( y ) {
return !!y;
} );
} );
* Obtain basic metadata about a property.
* Security warning: the parameters are not escaped, do proper escaping before use.
* Global variables: -
* Used functions: $.getJSON
* @param string Pid Property ID, e.g. "P21" or "P577"
* @param string languages List of language codes (the latters are fallbacks of the formers), e.g. "hi,en,it"
* @return Promise<Object> Promise returning an object with keys "name" (type string|null) and "type" (type string|null)
function getPropertyMetadata( Pid, languages ) {
// TODO should we enforce use of non-deprecated constraints? see for instance https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P364#P2302 with “one-of constraint”: currently the list of elements is returned
var sparql = 'SELECT ?propertyLabel ?type ?min ?max ?regex (COUNT(?value) AS ?imageCard) WHERE { BIND( wd:' + Pid + ' AS ?property ) . ?property wikibase:propertyType ?type . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510860 ; pq:P2313 ?min ] } . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510860 ; pq:P2310 ?min ] } . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510860 ; pq:P2312 ?max ] } . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510860 ; pq:P2311 ?max ] } . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21502404 ; pq:P1793 ?regex ] } . OPTIONAL { ?property p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510859 ; pq:P2305 ?value ] } . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' + languages + '" } } GROUP BY ?propertyLabel ?type ?min ?max ?regex';
return $.getJSON( 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql', { query: sparql } ).then( function( x ) {
if( !x || !x.results || !x.results.bindings || !Array.isArray( x.results.bindings ) ) {
return { type: undefined, label: undefined };
if( x.results.bindings.length === 0 ) {
return { type: undefined, label: undefined };
var metadata = x.results.bindings[0];
if( metadata.type.type !== 'uri' || metadata.propertyLabel.type !== 'literal' || metadata.type.value.substr( 0, 26 ) !== 'http://wikiba.se/ontology#' ) {
return { type: undefined, label: undefined };
return {
type: metadata.type.value.substr( 26 ),
label: metadata.propertyLabel ? metadata.propertyLabel.value : undefined,
min: metadata.min && metadata.min.type === 'literal' ? metadata.min.value : undefined,
max: metadata.max && metadata.max.type === 'literal' ? metadata.max.value : undefined,
regex: metadata.regex && metadata.regex.type === 'literal' ? metadata.regex.value : undefined,
imageCard: metadata.imageCard ? Number( metadata.imageCard.value ) : undefined,
} );
function ucFirst( str ) {
return str.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + str.substring( 1 );
function unique( value, index, self ) {
return self.indexOf( value ) === index;
window.globalApplyFilterFirstPass = applyFilterFirstPass; // DEBUG
window.globalApplyFilterSecondPass = applyFilterSecondPass; // DEBUG
window.globalgetSPARQLResultsWithProgressBar = getSPARQLResultsWithProgressBar;
} );