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Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da parte di tutti i wikipediani!
Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Fabexplosive L'admin col botto 19:00, 3 apr 2008 (CEST)
Paulinho Da Costa
modificaDear Pier. The list of Paulinho Da Costa' artists collaborations represent more than 36 years of his career, It is not even totally correct, because it is missing some names. If you go to All Music site there is at least 90% of his work listed there. I am still finding more artists names in other sites. Thank you so much.-- ALRD (msg)
- I think that nobody could understand really something about his career only by a list of names: you should sintetize that in some sentences that could give the "sense" of what he did. I'd keep the comment. TY. MM (msg) 18:41, 15 apr 2008 (CEST)
- Hi ALRD, as MM said, the problem is that the page is completely out of standard, containing this huge list of people. Here, on the encyclopedia, is better to have a text that explain his career and a brief list of the major work, and, if necessary, an external link that point to a complete list. --Pier «···» 15:53, 16 apr 2008 (CEST)
Paulinho Da Costa
modificaCiao ALRD, guarda che gli avvisi (come quello inserito in Paulinho Da Costa) non si rimuovono, a meno di motivare tale azione e di aver dato una risposta all'interrogativo che pongono. Nel caso particolare la voce risulta totalmente fuori standard con un elenco interminabile di collaborazioni. Non sarebbe meglio mettere solo le principali? Ho avvisato il progetto:musica, discutine con loro qui o nella pagina di discussione della voce. Ciao --Pier «···» 10:57, 15 apr 2008 (CEST)
I won't took out the advice, because the problem was not only about references. MM (msg) 16:55, 3 mag 2008 (CEST)
- Well: if you can't do nothing, we'll wait for someone who could, and by this time the advice will stay on the page. Nobody is in hurry. Anyway we use to think it is not important if different Wikipedias make different choices: they could have their reasons, but it doesn't workf or us. MM (msg) 02:28, 4 mag 2008 (CEST)