

It's a pity you cannot (?) read Italian text of the article. His family was indeed Ukrainian, but in the 19th century it got polonized and converted to Catholicism. It would too long to explain here the social reasons of polonization. That's why we adopted the polonized name as well as Note also that "Szeptytzki" doesn't correspond to the correct translitteration from Ukrainan to Italian, which is "Szeptyc'kyj". Anyway, please abstain from further reverts. AVEMVNDI (DIC) 10:14, 20 nov 2010 (CET)Rispondi

I cannot understand why polonization of his in fact Ukrainian family could be a reason for using his name in Polish way. Andrey Sheptytskyj was Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, he was first from top priests who started using of Ukrainian language in communication with believers etc. His name Andrej is not really Ukrainian name which is actually Andrij. This name was given to him when he was adopted to monkhood. Can you explain why should you convert this name in some way to Polish one before using it in Italian? Because I cannot get it.
Ok, if you think only in terms of "polonization", so why do you not think that Andrey Sheptytskyj got "ukrainized"?:) --DixonD (msg) 14:27, 20 nov 2010 (CET)Rispondi
First, it's not me who thinks his family got polonized: that's a piece of information I read written by scholars. His family was of Ukrainian origin, but in the 19th century they started thinking of themselves as Poles and converted to Catholicism. That also means they used to write in Polish and the logical consequence is that they wrote their name and surname in Polish. If you can prove I'm wrong, please cite sources. Here you can see a book in Italian written by Giovanni Coco and published by the Archivio Segreto Vaticano whose title reads "Andrej Szeptycki". AVEMVNDI (DIC) 15:18, 22 nov 2010 (CET)Rispondi
I don't understand. You said that there is a Italian book with title "Andrej Szeptycki" but you moved the article to "Andrzej Szeptycki". Could you explain your logic? --DixonD (msg) 13:16, 23 nov 2010 (CET)Rispondi
If you reply, please do it in my talk, this way I will know you have written. It's ok to write "Andrej Szeptycki" (as in the source), not to move the article to a "Andrej Szeptytzkyj".  AVEMVNDI (DIC) 15:33, 26 nov 2010 (CET)Rispondi

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