Ciao Istvánka, un benvenuto su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia a contenuto libero!
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Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da parte di tutti i wikipediani!
Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Klaudio 23:36, 29 mag 2008 (CEST)
Best of wishes Istvánka :-)))) !!!
modificaHi Istvànka. First of all congratulations for the voice "Sassi di Matera" in the Hungarian wikipedia, I don't understand Hungarian but however I have read that there are a lot of informations in that voice. I would suggest you to divide the parts regarding the "Sassi" from other parts regarding the town of Matera. In fact the "Sassi" (Sasso Caveoso, Sasso Barisano and Civita) are the ancient part of the town, while other parts of the voice (Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Piazza Pascoli, Via del Corso, Castello Tramontano, Museums of the town) are not inside the Sassi but they are in the town of Matera, as you can see in the Italian wikipedia in the voices "Matera" and "Sassi di Matera". The word Sassi means literally "Stones", because they are the ancient part of the town done by dwellings excavated in the rock. If you need more informations you can ask me. Ciao. --Matheola (msg) 11:40, 4 mar 2009 (CET)
- Ok, I'll read your articles in the next days, unfortunately I don't speak Hungarian but however I'll try to understand. Bye. --Matheola (msg) 13:42, 4 mar 2009 (CET)
Re:Székely László
modificaThank you very much Istvánka. You were on holiday in Matera? I hope you had a nice time here. Ciao. --Mateola (msg) 12:20, 26 apr 2011 (CEST)
- Next time you come here tell me and I will be Cicerone :) --Mateola (msg) 12:27, 26 apr 2011 (CEST)
- Thank you anyway for your help. Good night :) --Mateola (msg) 22:34, 9 mag 2011 (CEST)
Re: Gli Illinesi
modificaGli Illinesi are a tribe of warriors from Canada, enemies of European invaders. You can read (in Italian) something about this work here. Ciao :) --Mateola (msg) 01:27, 25 lug 2011 (CEST)