Ciao Kasermandl, un benvenuto su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia a contenuto libero!
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Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da parte di tutti i wikipediani!
Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Rojelio (dimmi tutto) 15:49, 28 mar 2008 (CET)
Forti in Sudtirol
modificaHallo Kasermandl, vedo che stai aiutando alcune voci come il Forte Corte, ecc... Se ti fa piacere, ti invito a continuare anche con le altre voci riguardo le altre fortificazioni, se hai informazioni, foto,... guarda qui Fortificazioni austriache al confine italiano e su puoi... Grazie --Llorenzi (msg) 18:23, 24 mag 2008 (CEST)
- Servus, Llorenzi...meine Kenntnisse der italienischen Sprache sind eher bescheiden, weswegen ich das zwar lesen kann aber Schreiben lass' ich lieber. Daher möchte ich Dich bitten auf Deutsch zu korrespondieren. Hab gesehen, daß Du kannst! Das ist auch der Grund, weswegen ich hier nur in bescheidenem Maße mitarbeiten kann. Ich begnüge mich damit, kleine Verbesserungen auf meinem Fachgebiet anzubringen. Du kannst aber gerne die Informationen und Bilder der von mir erstellten Artikel auf meiner deutschen WP Seite bei Steinbeisser abrufen (Das Kasermandl mußte ich hier nach einem größeren Disput mit einem Deppen leider eliminieren!)
- Habe die Ehre, Kasermandl (msg) 09:42, 25 mag 2008 (CEST)
- Hallo Kasermandl, unglücklicherweise ich kann nicht so gut Deutsch sprechen, aber ich kann schon etwa verstanden. Ich habe einige artikel ubersetzt, u ich wollte so waitermachen, schreiben auche meherere artikel uber dieses thema. So gute Arbeit fur die zukunft... --Llorenzi (msg) 20:30, 26 mag 2008 (CEST)
- bene, andiamo! --Kasermandl (msg) 16:38, 27 mag 2008 (CEST)
- Hallo, danke fur die neue file... aber ich weiss nicht so ganz genau, was soll ich tun mit diese foto... Ich denke das dort lassen, und vielleicht in zukunft...--LukeDika 18:48, 10 gen 2009 (CET)
Hallo, kann ich dich fragen uber deien ànderung in diese Seite? Kannst du vielleicht mir erklàren ob Franzenfeste Festung gehort die II Rayon oder nicht? Ich weiss das nicht.... Danke --LukeDika 15:07, 26 apr 2009 (CEST)
- Nein, Franzesfeste war schon zu alt und auch zu weit Rückwärtig (posteriore) gelegen. Es wurde 1915 nicht armiert. Servus, --Kasermandl (msg) 13:04, 30 apr 2009 (CEST)
Danke schön --LukeDika 16:20, 7 mag 2009 (CEST)
Germand and Austrian-Hungarian OOB for Caporetto
modificaDear Sir, we have already started this discussion on the German WP. I would be much obliged if you can trace a regimental-level OOB for the German and KuK divisions that too part to the Caporetto battle. I would also be interested to know if by October 1917 the Germand and/or KuK divisions had already switched to the "triangular" infantry divisions(three Inf.Rgts.each) or if they were still using the "square" infantry divisions (four Inf.Rgts.each). Thanks in advance for your assistance. --Arturolorioli (msg) 23:19, 7 ago 2011 (CEST)
- about your questions - the OOB's for the regiments (german and austria-hungarian) during the Battle of Caporetto are not available at the present time because the system was completly diffrent to that in use in the italian army and so it's very difficult to find out the informations you requestet. Short time after the beginning of the trench war regiments were transferred from one division to another and maybe never come back to the origin. It's simply to explain, that units often where needed on other places (centro) like Verdun or the Somme or the Isonzo battles and, not to forget, the lack of personal wich increased over the wartime. Sometimes regiments were ritirato from the front for riposo an then sent to another part of the front for replace another regiment for rispos and so on. Don't forget, that in 1917 Germany and Austria-Hungary had to made already extraordinary efforts for things like the Caporetto and that units were gathered were ever they could find.
So I don't have any informations about the OOB below the division's level. I have, of course letteratura about the Battle of Caporetto but, for to find out the OOB's for the regiment's it's neccessary to frugare all these books - and I don't know if I'll find the time for that.
The regiments of the german army had in 1917 already the so called "triangular" system (since 1915 if I'm right) The Württembergisches Gebirgsbataillon was a part of the Alpenkorps and the later Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel was a tenente and company commander in the Caporetto battle. ciao -- Kasermandl (msg) 10:58, 8 ago 2011 (CEST)
- Dear Sir, I understand, of course you are not under obligation to search in your library!!!! ;-) Anyway, I've managed with what I have at hand, a couple of regiments are still missing their numbers, but as a whole it is reasonably complete. If you feel you could find the time to copy the Austro-Hungarian and German OOB to the related wikipedia.de voice, it would be great. Thanks for your attention and assistance. --Arturolorioli (msg) 16:15, 9 ago 2011 (CEST)
Dear Sir, why are you removing the regimental names I am adding to the Austrian Caporetto OOB? Is there something wrong? By the way, it would be a nice thing if you add a note to your corrections in the "Oggetto" line , and even better if you explain them in the "Discussione" section of the page. That will be of great help for the other contributors, that could better understand why the corrections have been done. Thanks in advance! --Arturolorioli (msg) 17:13, 11 ago 2011 (CEST)
- What do you mean, please? Would you please explain and we can talk about! -- Kasermandl (msg) 17:19, 11 ago 2011 (CEST)
- Dear Sir, I will certainly try to explain me better. I started to add the regimental names to the Austrian/Hungarian regiments in the "Battaglia di Caporetto" voice, and I noticed that you had almost immediatelly removed them. I then stopped the updates, and contacted you to ask if I was doing something wrong. That's all. A simple and polite request to know if I was making some sort of mistake. (By the wasy, I then noticed that you have started to add the regimental names yourself ... including repeating the ones I had added and you had previously deleted ... and that makes me even more puzzled. But anyway, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the names are added).
- The second point is that it should be nice to include a short description about the nature of the corrctions in the "Oggetto" line of the edit page (i.e. something like "removing regimental names, because they are wrong") or, if the reasons of the correction are more articulate, to leave a note in the "Discussione" page related to the voice : this will allow the other contributors to better understand what you are doing and why. That's all. In this case, a frendly and polite advice.
- Hope everything have been explained clearly enough. --Arturolorioli (msg) 17:57, 11 ago 2011 (CEST)
Okay. I understand and I think, yo're meaning the Schützen (Kaiserschützen) regiments. I tried only to add the complete and correct names bacause the three kaiserschützen-regiments were the only units in the k.u.k. army wich beared roman numbers. So the original and complete name is as an example: «Kaiserschützen-Regiment "Trient" Nr. I» - that's all from my side and I won't make any trouble. -- Kasermandl (msg) 18:35, 11 ago 2011 (CEST)
- Dear Sir, you are not making any trouble at all! Your contributions are most interesting and usefull. Thanks for them. For the rest, I've failed to explain me again (my fault, of course), but it just doesn't matter. Thanks again. --Arturolorioli (msg) 13:06, 12 ago 2011 (CEST)
modificaWelche Beschreibung? "Posizione della artiglieria da disarmare il forte 1915" geht es nicht! Ich wollte etwas anderes schreiben: "Posizioni d'artiglieria nel 1915". Aber, kannst du nicht auf deutsch die ganze Satz mir geben?--LukeDika 11:08, 3 giu 2012 (CEST)
- «Position der Geschütze aus dem Fort nach dem Ausbau im Jahre 1915». --Kasermandl (msg) 11:40, 3 giu 2012 (CEST)
- "Position der Geschütze aus dem Fort nach dem Ausbau im Jahre 1915" kann man ubersatzen mit "Riposizionamento delle artiglierie del forte, secondo il piano della direzione del Genio di Trento, nel gennaio 1915" --LukeDika 13:09, 3 giu 2012 (CEST)
- Danke sehr --14:31, 3 giu 2012 (CEST)
Partecipa ora a Wiki Loves Monuments: c'è un posto giusto per te
modificaGentile Kasermandl, ti scrivo per ringraziarti del tuo contributo alle voci sul territorio italiano, in particolare Forte Belvedere Gschwent.
Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM), il più grande concorso fotografico del mondo, si svolge anche questo settembre per documentare e promuovere il patrimonio culturale italiano, con una licenza copyright libera. Quest'anno è doppiamente facile partecipare: gli oggetti fotografabili coprono quasi 1000 comuni in più, compresi i luoghi di cui hai scritto in Wikipedia in italiano. Hanno infatti aderito centinaia di nuovi enti fra cui Roma, e si possono fotografare circa 2000 alberi monumentali.
Controlla le liste di monumenti fotografabili e carica tutte le foto che vuoi entro il 30 settembre. Potresti anche scoprire un monumento da visitare fra quelli che ancora non hanno una foto.
Grazie, Nemo 08:22, 21 set 2018 (CEST)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
modificaGentile Kasermandl,
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Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.
Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.
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