Ciao Mithridates,
un saluto di benvenuto su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera!
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- non è consentito inserire materiale protetto da copyright
- gli articoli devono essere in lingua italiana e rispettare un punto di vista neutrale.
Se hai problemi chiedi al Bar, ad un admin o a qualsiasi wikipediano vedessi collegato seguendo ultime modifiche.
Peano for president
modificaDear Mithridates, I'm Aubrey from Italian Wikisource. I've just read quickly your posts, and I want you to know that I support you strongly. I was the first to want Peano in italian Wikisource, and we just have some papers. But I have a bad news. beacuse of the US non acceptacance f the rule of the shorter term, peano is not in public domain in US, so he actually cannot be in our Wikisource. On the other hand, Italian Wikisource is managing to build a new digital library according with Wikimedia Italia, a site put up to host all these texts in this strange "limbo" (PD in Italy, NON-PD in US). So, actually it could be a good idea to find these CD. I'll ask soon my old History of mathematics professor, maybe she has or she could find them. Although, it is not sure we could use them, because of the copyright of the CD-ROM, but we will see in that moment. I can search them, but I really don't want to have the whole labour of digitalizing/formatting them on my shoulder: that is yours ;-) So, I'm going to look for the CD athe the beginnng of april, stay tuned :-P Bye. --Aubrey McFato 23:01, 25 mar 2008 (CET)